View Full Version : Constant tremble/shaking hands/shakey body

12-11-14, 15:52
Had my bloods check in August as a few occasions I felt like I had to eat after getting serious shakes. Bloods came back fine but I feel like this is constant now, every morning I'm very shakey and need food and a tea to calm down.

Anyone else like this. I've hit an all time low these past few weeks and guessing my anxiety has taken over hence why I feel like this. Just started on Escitilopram which is ok so far but had this feeling before I started this medication.

Certain parts of the day I can be fine them bam it hits me. I eat every couple of hours which seems to have no effect.

14-11-14, 21:41
hi i get this too.i had a major panic attack a few months ago and have been on high anxiety with more episodes of panic since but ive been left with a constant tremor shaking i cant shake of

15-11-14, 04:00
Yes, like an internal 'buzzing'.

I've been having this throughout my anxiety. Its due to excess adrenaline then is waiting to be excreting via urine or metabolized by the body. Its commonly described as the hours after a panic attack where the main spike of adrenaline has passed but there is still too much circulating.

Exercise gets rid of this by burning it off and causing your body to metabolize it to meet new needs.

Deep breathing also helps reduce it.

Stay hydrated as well and some may be excreted in urine.

I find mine is always worse when I'm sitting about but if I get up and move around, it fades.

Perhaps performing a relaxing form of exercise upon waking would help you here e.g. yoga, Tai Chi or QiGong?

22-11-14, 00:07
I started getting the shakes around a month ago, every morning when I wake up it feels like there is a mobile phone vibrating in my stomach then after a few mins it goes away, Sertraline has helped me with the trembling in the last week, actually today was the first day I felt great for a long time then I had a panic attack which I've never had before.