View Full Version : Burning sensation and post nasal drip

12-11-14, 22:35
Since June I have felt this burning sensation in my back. It feels like my skin is burning and its so bad I feel like my clothes could rip my skin off. I have no rashes or redness. I also have tons of post nasal drip. I've been on zyrtec, lung steriod inhalers, nasal steriods, prendisone nothing has helped. I'm now on prilosic and I feel like it's making me have heartburn lol. I'm regurgitating often and have a burning feeling in my stomach which I wasn't doing before. I was diagnosed with vocal cord disjunction and lately strong smells and anxiety have been making it worse. Usually neither bothered me. Im wondering if the burning and post nasal drip could be stressed. The ear nose and throat doctor just said stress can't cause post nasal drip so I don't know what to think.