View Full Version : Can you Have panic attachs from being inside alot

03-01-07, 21:33
I have been off work now for about four months and i have been suffering form what i think is anxiety or panic attachs. I have been in this house almost non stop except for that holidays and a few days here and there is it possible for a person to get this from beeing couped up all the time. I have been to the hospital for chest pains and the nervousness and even had a stress test and they all were good has this happend to anyone elese here ?????


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

04-01-07, 01:37
I have to say that I need to get outside at least once a day, or I start to feel really detached and anxious! Why have you been inside? What do oyu mean by a stress test?

04-01-07, 02:48
I Have Been inside the house for months only going out on occasion and i have 3 kid to look after thankfully my fiance is working or we would be screwed i dont get out casue i dont want something bad to happen when i leave or go back to work when ever that may be. I Have been off work for almost 5 months as far as a stress test i had it done to find out if my heart was ok it is test they do to people they suspect of heart problems you doctor has to have you go and get one done.


Patience is a Virtue!
Remember good things come to those who wait for them!

04-01-07, 03:02
Hi MasterJP - I can certainly empathise with you being in the house.

It sounds like you do have some classic symptoms of anxiety. Being house bound can certainly bring them on, as its a situation that you feel you have no control over - certainly a starting block for anxiety.

I'm no expert (just someone who has recently come to similar anxiety), but would think the next step was to discuss it with your GP. Also you should try varying your routine. Its probably not the walls that are driving you crazy, rather than the monotony of continuing on without an outlet for your stress. Thats nothing to do with the stress test you took - that showed your ticker was good and sound (one less worry). Its the stress of dealing with day to day whether you realise its stressing you or not.

Medication may help, but it also sounds like you've realised the problem early enough to change your behaviour before you learn "bad behaviour". You should make time for yourself (other than sat at home time) and you should vary your routine.

Theres probably a lot more people on here more qualified, or experienced than I, so I hope you'll get a LOT more constructive input from them too.


04-01-07, 21:11
Hi James,

I too also got Panic and Anxiety when i was at home, at one stage i didnt leave my home for 2 years and still had panic attacks, you must try and go outdoors daily, even if its only in the garden or around your street, when i was at my worst my world just closed in and i became house bound, the longer you avoid going out the harder it will be. It sounds like you have a clean bill of health from the hospital, so once you can accept that im sure you can move forward hun.



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

04-01-07, 21:30
Unfortunately the longer you stay in and don't get out the worse it gets.

Can you manage a small walk outside each day?


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People will forget what you did
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