View Full Version : Trying to live with anxiety

13-11-14, 00:12
Hello, I'm a 39 year old woman with gad and health anxiety. Nearly 5 years ago out of the blue I had a breakdown and ever since then my life has changed. I seem to go thru stages of being able to cope and then totally not. I've had counselling and medication altho I don't take anything anymore. It's like normal for me nowadays to go throughout the day with that nervous anxious feeling bubbling around inside me, but sometimes it feels like it just overflows and that's when I worry I'll break down again. I have two teenage girls, a husband, a job and a house to run, add the anxiety and I wonder how I manage to cope. I have learnt to live with only a small amount of sleep as this is the time most of my anxiety really kicks in.
All in all I guess I'm just tired......especially as the anxiety really seems to have cranked itself up another notch.....help?! Please?!

13-11-14, 02:17
Wow--I'm impressed that you cope with so much on your plate. Taking care of family and their needs doesn't leave much time for your own. Maybe take a girls day, go out with some friends and do something fun, just to decompress might help.

13-11-14, 21:57
Kalah I read your post and thought "wow, that sounds like me!" I am the same age and about 3 years ago had a break down and thought that was it. No hope for me anymore. It has taken several years, counselling and lots of books and forums to help me make it through the days. Sometimes, today in particular, I have really bad days that come out of no where and send my brain back to the start again, and other days are really good I don't even remember the bad days.
I think we forget to have "me time" as our lives are so full of everyone else and when we do relax the brain can't stop as its not used to it.
I am happy to chat anytime if you feel like it and hope today has been a good day.

15-11-14, 18:07
It is soooo difficult living with anxiety. Today has been a bad day. Thought
Oh will go on no more panic. Really pleased I have as it makes me realise
I am not alone. Sometimes think no one else feels as bad as this but I know they do. So thanks for your input and hope you realise how helpful you all are thanks again hopey

15-11-14, 22:44
roughly the same happened to me as well.

one day I was normal. doing what life expects of you.

next minute. this.

went to the doctors. first time since I was 11, im over 45 now. and came home with Seroxat, Beta Blockers and Diazapam.

sat in the corner for 2 weeks crying

15-11-14, 22:55
I agree with the earlier post that because we are always so busy when we do stop our mind can't as that isn't the norm. I have just found this site and it is 'nice' to see others have the same things going on and it's not so abnormal x