View Full Version : ive been lightheaded for 3 days straight..

13-11-14, 03:05
I feel like I'm going to pass out. I've been getting panic attacks all day cause I'm scared of this feeling. I'm seeing a doctor in the morning, but what can I do? I've been in bed all day cause I get so dizzy standing up. /rant

13-11-14, 09:15

Are you hyperventialting? This can cause too much oxygen in the blood stream which then means theres less in the brain and this causes light headedness.

Also blood going to the muslces when tense etc can mean theres a little less in the head so you can also feel light headed!

Get it checked out to be safe, but this is very very common for anxiety sufferers like us!

Try to take deep breaths, and relax and see if it improves!


13-11-14, 17:26
hi jon thanks for the reply. I just got back from the doctors.

She told me that she suspects atypical migraines or neurocardiogenic syncope. I have to go to a neurologist and cardiologist next week to see. She did check my blood pressure/heart rate/oxygen levels/and ECG which all came back alright, which is reassuring.

Sigh, I have class today and work tonight but I'm so lightheaded. HA and Panic is not on my side!

13-11-14, 19:06
I had a stint of lightheadedness and dizziness recently.
Very unpleasant, but nothing bad happens if you push on through it.

13-11-14, 20:15
I'm currently getting dizzy a lot of the time, especially when I stand up.
It tends to go away if you keep busy and try to distract yourself from it, that's what I've been doing! Hope it goes away soon I know how annoying it is.

13-11-14, 20:39
Thanks for the replies! I know that lightheadedness and dizziness is a very typical anxiety symptom. The issue is that i've had it nonstop since Monday, even when relaxing my breathing and laying in bed. I get lightheaded a lot, but laying down always helps (until now). I'm about to go work- hopefully I can push through and leave it off my mind.

15-11-14, 21:15
just want to update this. I had a blood test yesterday and I'm awaiting results. I guess I feel a little bit better but I'm still pretty dizzy and lightheaded and haven't been out of the house except for a doctors visit. I think I'm scared of passing out which is making the lightheadedness worse! errggg I hate anxiety!

16-11-14, 10:05
Ive had Light headedness and also feeling of being pulled backwards on/off 2 weeks now. When my muscles tense up is when it happens. Its happened twice before in 15 years.

16-11-14, 17:29
Hi thanks for the reply. I'm DEFINITELY under a lot of stress right now. I didn't realize how much until I realized the semester is ending (I'm almost done with uni!). I'm in very tough classes and they've been giving me a hassle, and this week I have so much happening I won't have any free time! 3 exams.. 3 homework assignments.. work.. meetings.. doctors appointments.. all while feeling horrible, and I missed most of my classes last week. Wish me luck this upcoming week! Hopefully I can push through, and hopefully the results of the blood test come back okay.

16-11-14, 19:45
Good luck for the week! I'm in a similar boat to you.. At uni and missed most of my classes last week but got 3 course works due over the next month and my health is a mess and anxiety is being awful at the moment.. So I feel your pain!

16-11-14, 20:38
You totally understand kimberley. It's horrible. I wish you luck as well! We will get through this.