View Full Version : Argh bus!

03-01-07, 22:02
Argh I've been doing ok lately, the panic from college has gone and I've had no symptoms for ages apart from nasty thoughts.

Well today on the bus back from visiting my boyfriend I felt really weird. As though I wasn't actually me, like it was a dream and I was watching it. And I started to feel like I just wasn't me at all and that what if the universe didn't actually exist and it's all a dream [which actually doens't make any sense]. And then I started thinking what if I'd never been born. And argh just all of a sudden these huge waves on panic just crashed over me it was horrible. :( Is that what they call depersonalisation?

And lately as well; I've been going back how I used to be, where I think everyone's playing a big joke on me and I just feel like any moment my boyfriend's going to leave me and argh I couldn't cope I love him too much :( He says he never ever will and I have no reason to believe he will I'm just being paranoid.

And lately it just seems like there's no point in life. Like I keep thinking what is the point in existing, in the world existing, even the universe exisiting.

Sorry but it's getting me down. :(

Thankyou if you have read all this, I probably don't make much sense.

04-01-07, 08:41
Hi Charlotte. It sounds to me like you have an overactive imagination. You seem to be thinking too much and getting frightened by your thoughts. Have you tried doing daily breathing and relaxation exercises? At first they don't seem to work but after a while you do start to feel more relaxed in yourself. When you feel your mind racing you could try taking a deep breath and thinking about something else. Have you tried distraction techniques? When you start getting frightening or unwanted thoughts you could try counting red cars or how many pedestrians you pass etc to take your mind off it. I know it sounds silly but it works!

Good luck, and I hope you feel better soon. :D

Love shoegal xxx

04-01-07, 13:18
I do this sometimes and let my imagination run wild. Scarey thoughts. When on the bus I tend play on a game on my mobile phone to distract my mind killing off the universe and making Kermit the frog King of the World.

04-01-07, 20:14
Hi Charlotte

Its certainly your thoughts that are making you feel like this, there are many of us that have felt like this, and the easiest way to deal with it is distraction. there are lots of different techniques you can use to distract yourself, when on the bus i find reading a Magazine helps or listening to my MP3 player, also while looking out the window while on the journey i count things, like what colour coats people are wearing etc, try and remember Charlottle that thoughts CAN NOT hurt you, i know its hard at times i have been there, but things do get better, sending hugs to you hun !



"If you have a worry turn it into a problem, you cant solve worrys but you can solve problems"

04-01-07, 22:03
Thankyou everyone <3

It's not just on the bus, it is generally when I'm spacing out so I think you're right about overactive imagination. I shall try your suggestions!

17-01-07, 18:32
Charlotte - this happens to me but only when I'm on my own - I think of something really tiny that's worrying me and it turns into something huge - like a headache will turn into a brain tumour etc. It's your negative automatic thoughts coming through - like when someone looks at you and you think it's because you have something wrong with you - its not - it's just someone looking your way. But when I am in a panic (especially on the bus which is where my panics are terrible) I feel the same, I feel like I am trapped on the bus with no way of getting off - I have to evaluate how likely it is that I will actually be trapped on the bus - the answer is - not very likely at all!! The same way you evaluated how likely it was that your boyfriend was actually going to leave you - he won't - it;s your brain tricking into thinking something very unlikely will happen. I use 1 to 10 - if him not leaving you is 1 and leaving you is 10 - how likely is it - it'll most probably be a 1 every time.
Message me if you wanna talk hunny xx
