View Full Version : DVT concerns

13-11-14, 08:36
I have a crampy feeling in my leg - last night and when I woke up this morning. It's quite sore with a few stabbing pains now and again. As in my previous post, I've been showing up with high blood pressure and I'm on the pill.
I don't want to take any chances, I have A&E round the corner - walking distance (not ideal I know!) and a walk in doctors a short drive away.
I can't get a doctors appointment this late as you have to ring at 8am for any chance.
I'm getting slight pain in my arm and shoulder too :(

13-11-14, 09:01

the aches and pains are caused by constant tension. Adrenaline is being released into your blood stream, this causes the muscles to tightne. And also you are tensing against it in your attempt to combat it!

Try not to fight it, let go and over time the afrenaline will die down, and the tension will fade away, and with it the aches and pains.

See here:



13-11-14, 09:54
GirlAfraid, when are you going to get treatment for your anxiety?

It seems to be really debilitating for you. Are you seeing anyone for it? If not, why?

13-11-14, 10:40
GirlAfraid, when are you going to get treatment for your anxiety?

It seems to be really debilitating for you. Are you seeing anyone for it? If not, why?

I was. But I haven't had a relapse like this for so long. I guess I'll have to contact the counsellor again and organise an appointment.

Edit: I'm not being overly anxious for no reason though...high blood pressure readings aren't something to mess around with. Just because I have anxiety doesn't mean I can't get something wrong with me.

13-11-14, 11:18
But the high blood pressure readings are probably because you are anxious and stressing over it.

You need to do what you think is best for you really - that is not something we can tell you what to do about.

13-11-14, 11:25
Maybe your GP can prescribe you some Propranolol. Will help anxiety and lower BP.

What was your BP reading?

13-11-14, 11:31
Maybe your GP can prescribe you some Propranolol. Will help anxiety and lower BP.

What was your BP reading?

Lowest I've had is 136/80

13-11-14, 11:40
That's not really bad. Systolic bit high. I would definitely ask about Propranolol though.