View Full Version : Voice of reason anyone?

13-11-14, 09:56
Hi, last night read a really great article in a mag about a woman who had had HA for years but actually suffered from something as an emergency which she hadn't worried about i.e. a brain aneurysm and was cured fortunately. She said that despite how she had suffered with HA, at this point she was calm and just got on with whatever was thrown at her and fought to get well. She had come to the point during this of realising that worry did no good and it couldn't save her from actually getting ill and had wasted so many years. I took great comfort in this and had a good sleep for once and woke up this morning with determination to take a leaf out of her book. However, it didn't last long as I woke up with having to dash to the loo, felt really nauseous afterwards and thought I was going to have to turn the car back on the way to work to go back home to the loo again. Trouble is, this is not how my normal IBS plays up and has been bothering me for weeks so because all the symptoms are different, I am now convinced that it is bowel cancer and it will be too late to do anything and they will open me up and find it has already spread plus the fear of having to have a 'bag' terrifies me....I also read that even if they get it in time, which is only in about 1 in 10 cases apparently, you only have a survival rate of up to 5 years.... I just want to run with panic but that won't solve anything either, just sat here completely frozen with fear and dread and what the next few weeks will bring, tests etc...

13-11-14, 11:04
Jules, have you visited your doctor, explained your symptoms, had a blood & stool test and been told it's not cancer?

If not, do it.

If so, then IBS caused by anxiety takes time before it stops, it's not going to be instant because you read one positive article. Take that resolve you had last night as the first step, and work towards feeling less anxious about your health one day at a time. :hugs:

13-11-14, 11:15
Thanks Mindnot - no, I haven't as I am in the group of 'can't go to Drs' and not the other way. The media tell you time and time again that any change in bowel habits is cancer and I've lived with bowel problems for 20 odd years after surgery I had for an abscess and nearly died and but 'normal' for me isn't what I have now so that's why I know it's worse. It's the whole thought now of the cycle of tests, the terrible waiting for results and the possibility that you have something terminal to deal with and I can't cope with it. Also, I have a fear that they will just get it all wrong and there won't be the proper care there as you just have to relinquish control to it all and they may not know what they are doing as they get it wrong all the time.

13-11-14, 11:38
I am too a bit, avoided them for most stuff, but then I got into such a state there was no where else to go - it will make you feel so much better, trust me. Let your doctor know you are anxious and they will probably invite you back in to discuss the results properly, they can rule out a lot with just blood tests at the GP surgery.

What the media says is a big issue for a lot of people on this forum, no, maybe everyone. Try not to fall for it, your medically qualified doctor is the best person to tell you either way, not the daily papers, the TV or the internet... They won't think you're a time waster or any of that, they will treat your symptoms seriously, listen to you and make the appropriate diagnosis, THEN you know what you are dealing with, better that than holding out for another year or so worrying?!

13-11-14, 11:40
Did you read my reply to you on the other post?
You need to see your doctor - not every bowel change is cancer, and there is a very good chance your symptoms are related to your Crohn's.
Why live in a fool's hell? There is no reason to think that it isn't something easily treatable, but you won't know until you make an appointment.

13-11-14, 11:45
Chickpea, sorry, yes I did read your kind response - I'm just not thinking rationally today and am in a bit of a state so the fear is taking over more than the logical thing to do.:weep:

13-11-14, 11:55
You can't go on like this - it will make you ill.
Please believe me when I say it's almost certainly anxiety or Crohn's related. You have a history of bowel-related issues, and there are very simple tests to put your mind at rest.
It is always better to have an answer than to worry and worry about what it might be.
I do understand, I really do but once you've taken the first step and made an appointment, it will get easier.

13-11-14, 12:57
To ask for reason and not heed it is unreasonable

Positive thoughts