View Full Version : I am PETRIFIED

13-11-14, 18:46
I am very scared as I have had a headache for 5 days now which started with my eyes going blurry! I recently had the hiccups and now I have a stiff neck which I believe are all symptoms of a brain tumour!!! Please can someone shed some light onto what I should do?! I've been to the doctors and they put it down to a migraine but I'm worried they don't take me seriously because I have health anxiety! I've never been so scared

13-11-14, 18:59
You neck problems could be causing your headache and your blurry vision.
I had a headache and visual disturbances for over 2 months last summer. GP couldn't tell me what was causing it, optician said everything was fine. Finally I saw an osteopath, and she found that my neck and spine were out, which was causing the headaches.
I spoke to my dentists too, because my jaw was clicking and both he and my osteopath recommended buying a memory foam pillow for correct neck alignment.

13-11-14, 21:25
Migraines are a very real condition that can cause very scary symptoms. Your doctor wasn't dismissing you- it legitimately sounds like a migraine! Practice some breathing techniques: Try to breath through your stomach. Deep breath in your nose, 4 seconds, out through your mouth, 4 seconds. Do this several times. I've had headaches that lasted 5 days as well.