View Full Version : Advice needed on Ectopic Heart Beats

13-11-14, 19:26
Just would really appreciate some advice, i suffer with ectopic heart beats i have had them for a few years and out of the blue they have started today. Have been to the doctor today and cried because i can`t cope and he has basically said my 24hr ecg was fine they picked up the ectopics but everything else is fine & if he pulled 10 people of the street they would all have them but don`t feel them. So by stressing this is making me feel them he won`t refer me to cardiology for further tests so basically i have to go home and deal with it, can anyone help me do this as don`t feel that i can at the moement and i`m at the end of my tether.

15-11-14, 08:14
From the online medical papers I've read, I've learned that 1/5 new-born babies, 1/2 of teenagers, 2/3 of young adults and 99/100 fifty year-old people have at least one ectopic heart beat a day.

Think of the fittest athlete you know and there's a 2/3 chance they had at least one ectopic beat today. Or think of someone who's 100 years old, chances are they had at least one every day for at least 50 years. Ectopics can't be that harmful. The numbers don't lie.

It's just we're the unlucky few who feel the damn things. :)