View Full Version : Head pressure and face tingling

13-11-14, 21:02
I've had a lot of head pressure as well as a lot of face tingling and pain. I went to the doctor for it yesterday but all he did was give me some long scientific name for it and prescribe me anti seizure meds which I guess calm nerves down. I really don't want to take them. My doctor doesn't seem to understand anxiety very well at all and really feel I need more testing done on it. I get horrible head pressure and my head feels like its going to explode and then off and on I will get a very tingly left cheek and its also a little painful. Sometimes my left ear will hurt as well. The tingling in the face has actually been constant for 2 days now. Has anyone ever had this or could it all be caused by anxiety?

13-11-14, 21:04
definitely can be caused by anxiety. maybe you should get a new doctor if your doctor doesn't understand anxiety very well. I think it's worth it. The first doctor I had blamed everything on anxiety and didn't give me any tests to reassure me- went to a new doctor and she takes me seriously, but considers my anxiety, and I feel so much more comfortable with her. But yes, it can be caused by anxiety. Maybe try doing some breathing exercises periodically throughout the day to see if that helps improve anything.

feel better!

14-11-14, 16:32
could you have a sinus and/or ear infection? I get face/teeth pain and tons of head pressure when I have one.

Tingling could definitely be anxiety. I would go to a new doctor too.

14-11-14, 16:50
I've had this with anxiety.

Switch doctors. You need a doctor who understands anxiety, and the mechanisms of it whilst taking your concerns seriously.

14-11-14, 22:21
Face tingling is usually caused by hyperventilation in anxiety sufferers. You might not even feel like you are hyperventilating, but quite often anxiety sufferers hyperventilate constantly which then becomes 'normal' breathing for them. It isn't dangerous, but it can cause some icky symptoms like tingling, numbness, fatigue and dizziness/headaches.

Try this breathing exercise: breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 2 seconds, breathe out for 6 seconds, hold for 2 seconds.

If you find that difficult, or if the 'holds' make you panic/feel like you can't breathe, then you are probably hyperventilating. If that is the case, breathing exercises can help you develop a better breathing pattern which could help alleviate some of those symptoms, particularly the tingling.

If the times I gave you are difficult, try doing it a little faster: breathe in for 3 seconds, hold for 1 seconds, breathe out for 4 seconds, hold for 1 second.

Just practice these kind of exercises during the day and if you are hyperventilating, it will help being back a more regular breathing pattern. Just increase the times slowly until you can get up to something like: breathe in for 5 seconds, hold for 3 seconds, breathe out for 7 seconds, hold for 3 seconds. That's hard, even for someone who doesn't hyperventilate, so it gives you something to work towards :)

You can google breathing exercises as well which can be really helpful with anxiety, even if you don't hyperventilate. They can be very relaxing.

15-11-14, 01:29
Thank you for the responses everyone. The reassurance has really helped. I will definitely try the breathing exercises and crossing my fingers that it helps!

15-11-14, 05:22
Good to hear joni :) Hopefully the breathing exercises can help you find some relief and you're feeling better soon.