View Full Version : HELP, had brain ct scan :/

14-11-14, 01:15
Hello. I'm a 19 year old girl and as many of you, I was 100% positive that I had a brain tumor when my symptoms first started. Well anyways, my neurologist would not let me get a ct scan because of its huge radiation and my young age so I had to wait months for a mri (it was fine, no tumor, nothing). Well during this waiting I had a huge panic attack which caused me to black out and also my pupils enlarged so some doctor ordered me to a ct scan. So I had that done too after all. So now, a year later and almost anxiety free I started thinking. Does anyone of you know how much I increased my risk for a brain tumor later in life because if the CT scan? :( I also use my phone and computer almost constantly and sleep with my phone close to my head... Am I very likely to develop a deadly brain cancer? Really scared..

14-11-14, 03:18
nah. I had a CT scan at the age of 21. The risk is not that big of a deal. Get multiple CT scans then you can start thinking about if the radiation isn't worth it anymore. I'm glad your MRI came back fine :) You probably won't need another CT scan for a very very very long time, if ever, so try not to worry! Deep breaths and try to distract yourself when the thoughts come, cause I know it's hard to turn them off.

14-11-14, 03:23
I wouldn't think a CT scan would increase brain tumor chances, if so I wouldn't think they would be done as frequently. I sleep with my phone by my head too, and I do worry about it and using it so often. But I think I read there is still no link between phone use and brain rumors. Deep breaths and try to relax. At least your scans came back clear!

14-11-14, 13:25
Thank you so much for your kind words, this forum always helps me! Im really grateful

14-11-14, 13:28
My son has a neurological problem and needs a ct scan yearly to check for changes and he is only in his 20's. They wouldn't do it if there was a big risk.

14-11-14, 22:05
Whilst there are suggestions that CT scans could cause cancer, the risks reported are very low. Something like 1 in 4050 women who have a CT scan at 20 years old will develop cancer. That equates to something like .002%. And even then, that .002% could be completely due to chance. So just because the one person who had a CT at 20 years old then developed cancer, doesn't mean the cancer was due to the CT, it may just be coincidental. As others have said, if there was any definitive link between CTs and cancer they wouldn't use them regularly.

14-11-14, 23:43
The brain tissue is actually the least part of the body that is sensitive to radiation apparently.

Don't waste you life worrying about things you can't control like me xx

16-11-14, 03:17
Wow, that must have the most calming thing anyone has ever said to me! Thank you all so much and im thankful to finally see sone stastistics about this. THANK YOU!