View Full Version : How do you calm yourself down about something?

14-11-14, 01:47
I just find out that I am going to be getting braces again and I'm going to have to take impressions next week. As soon as I found out, I felt very nauseous and I can't stop stressing about it. The impressions are very hard for me. I've made it through them every time except one time when I pulled it out early and it went all in my mouth and I almost threw up (which is one of my major fears). But my anxiety wasn't as bad at that time. I was in school, on a regular routine, and getting social interaction. Now I'm out of school, on an awful sleep schedule, getting no social interaction and my anxiety is so bad! I'm scared of the smallest things now that used to not even be an issue. So I'm worried I'm not going to be able to do it. And even if I do make it through that, I'll have to make it through putting the braces on which is scary too although not as scary. I'm very worried all this stress is going to make me physically sick (which I'm very scared of) but I don't know how to calm myself down. There's no reason to worry until Monday so why am I stressing?

14-11-14, 10:15
Associate NOT getting these things done with something awful instead. So that you're eager to get it done so you can feel safe.

Like picture the future and, without braces, your teeth freek out somehow and you find it shocking. Getting braces correctly fitted therefore relieves you of this anxiety and so you welcome it and are eager to get them correctly fitted by experts so in the future you can see yourself with beautiful, safe teeth.

These people are so good at what they do. It's a really good thing that you're being looked after like this.

Count the hours until it's done so you can go "aaaaah, thank you. I know I'm going to have beautiful healthy teeth now. I can relax "