View Full Version : Random very fast heart rate

14-11-14, 01:49
Hello there;

Just some background information, I have been having panic attacks for the past two months and I try to look at all my symptoms of anxiety and panic as logical as possible (as hard as it can be).

Basically, last night I was laying in bed and reading on my phone when I had a sudden sharp pain in the centre of my sternum, it went away straight away and no more pain was felt. But after the pain my heart began racing really fast and of course this made me panic like crazy. I had to leave my room straight away and go lay down on the grass outside. After about 5-10 mins my heart rate slowed and I started getting palpitations (which are quite normal for me) throughout all this the only pain I felt was in my chest at the very beginning. The anxiety I felt was very intense. Especially since I've been struggling with health anxiety for a while.

Has anyone ever had anything like this happen to them? Should there be any major cause for concern?


14-11-14, 06:57

15-11-14, 01:23
ive had similar things happen to me! The amount of strange and random pains and palpitations ive had i cant even think.. There's been so many times I've had weird things happen and i cant even fully explain them. It will be anxiety i bet. If u have a anxiety disorder and u obviously do u get strange things like this. I get palps alot too. They have been worse lately like my heart feels like its racing most of the day. They aren't harmful though apparently they can be just very uncomfortable and sometimes u cant help but worry. I know how u feel.

---------- Post added at 01:23 ---------- Previous post was at 01:20 ----------

thinking about it i had that today where it raced randomly but instead of pain i could hear my heart beat in my ears it was strange and i panicked straight away and had to ring my mum to calm me down. If u are worried though ask a doctor but it definitely sounds like anxiety

15-11-14, 07:44
If your heart slowed down gradually then it was almost certainly anxiety.

(If it instantly went back down then that would be abnormal.)

I have also thought my heart was suddenly racing. However, I was wearing a sports heart rate monitor and when I checked the recording, my heart rate hadn't become fast instantly, I just thought it had.

So I know it's possible to think your heart is suddenly fast when it was actually over ten seconds or more.

17-11-14, 14:45
That's anxiety for sure. In my opinion, the sudden fast heart rate was a reaction to the initial pain (fear, I mean), then you entered panic mode and it only got worse. It happens all the time with me. It's amazing the things your mind can do. Sometimes I wake up in the morning after a bad sleeping night, and I feel the anxiety over my body. As soon as I stand up, my heart goes from 75bpm to 120-130bpm very fast, and it happens because I can predict that reaction. If I am not anxious, it never happens. Somehow, after years of bad experiences, I learned to understand how the anxiety can affect my heart rate, and I can clearly associate tachycardia with my thoughts. It's nothing else....

---------- Post added at 14:45 ---------- Previous post was at 12:55 ----------

If your heart slowed down gradually then it was almost certainly anxiety.

(If it instantly went back down then that would be abnormal.)

I have also thought my heart was suddenly racing. However, I was wearing a sports heart rate monitor and when I checked the recording, my heart rate hadn't become fast instantly, I just thought it had.

So I know it's possible to think your heart is suddenly fast when it was actually over ten seconds or more.

Well said. The first time my heart went "crazy" in the morning, I thought it was suddenly. Then I started paying attention on it, and I noticed it was a mix between the normal reaction of the body getting up from laying position + a big amount of anxiety about my heart rate. It doesn't just go from 70bpm to 120bpm in one beat, and it doesn't come back to 70bpm in one beat. It's a gradual process, anxiety and panic only makes it faster.