View Full Version : long duration panic attack

14-11-14, 11:30
Has anybody had a panic attack that has lasted hours or even days? I had general anaesthetic for a minor investigative procedure. Shortly after waking from anaesthesia I had a panic attack and had to discharge myself from hospital. I had been under a lot of stress. Auntie had just died and I was worried about the medical procedure. Maybe the stress brought it on. The ward was small and it was probably the hottest day of the year, it was unbearable. My mouth was so dry after the op this distressed me a lot. I couldn't produce any saliva or relieve it in any way. I had to keep swallowing. I think this kept the panic going. My panic attack lasted 4 whole days and nights. I didn't have any sleep for 4 nights. I wanted to die rather than continue with the symptoms I was experiencing. I have had social anxiety for a long time. However, since the panic episode I have been in a constant state of higher anxiety. I visited my Dr yesterday and was prescribed Venlafaxine. It caused insomnia (or I was worrying about the drug causing me insomnia). In the middle of the night my mouth got dryer and dryer. I think I made the connection to the dry mouth because of my previous experience. This panic attack has lasted hours and hours. I'm worried it will last days again with no respite. One big fear is I will be in a constant state of panic forever and I will either go mad or give up. At the moment I'm not sure I'm panicking. I think I have a high state of anxiety plus the new effects of the drugs. The Dr on the phone has told me to try half a tablet for a week now (because the drugs are causing me symptoms which are causing panic and anxiety) and then if I'm ok to increase it to one a day as usual. Should I persevere with the meds and give them a chance even though they are making me feel the symptoms I am trying to combat!? I would appreciate any feedback. Thanks :wacko:

14-11-14, 11:39
I think it is more likely to be a high state of anxiety than a panic attack. You should try to stick with the medication to allow it to get into your system. Try some relaxation exercises and breathing exercises to keep the anxiety levels down. Don't be afraid of the anxiety, just accept it and by doing that it will get easier :hugs::hugs:

14-11-14, 12:04
It was probably anxiety and not a panic attack lasting that long to be honest.

You could try some self-help if you don't want to take the meds.