View Full Version : low vitamin d

14-11-14, 12:09
hi sorry to post and u miht think what im goin to ask may seem stupid but im frightened of takin any kind medication even a vitamin pill, I had my bloods done and my vitamin d is low and the doc gave me vitam d to take and im too scared to take them , I keep googling to see what happens if I don't take them and if low vitamin d can kill you and it comes up with all kinds of scary stuff which makes me even more scared im getting myself in right mess over it all as now I don't know if its true or not that it can kill you, , sorry for posting im just so worried any advice would be really helpful as I don't know if just the H/A that is making me like this thk you

14-11-14, 12:30
First off all DON'T GOOGLE! google always comes up with worst case scenarios. Take the Vitamin D tablets. I have taken them before and had no side effects. If your vitamin D is low then you can only benefit from taking them. It won't cause you any major problems if you don't but better if you do. Vitamin D occurs naturally in sunlight so it may be an indication that you are not getting out in enough fresh air?

14-11-14, 12:44
thk you annie

14-11-14, 15:43
Yes trish. Take the vitamin d. you will benefit from them:hugs:

14-11-14, 18:43
Yep I was put on vitamin D. My experience is that it has no side-effects whatsoever.

Vitamin D can be found in small amounts in some foods and many breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin D as well, so if you eat cereal the chances are you are 'taking' vitamin D already.

14-11-14, 18:43
Vitamin D is one of the few supplements everyone in the Northern Hemisphere should be taking.

I rarely go outside because of work, so take 5000ius a day. Most people would be fine with 2000iu or so daily.

Honestly, it's one of the few supplements that has actually been shown to increase longevity!

15-11-14, 03:07
Try to reason it out. Your GP wouldn't prescribe it if it were dangerous or could kill you as they would be facing prosecution themselves.

We eat vitamin D in all sorts of things and we do get low in it, especially at this time of year.

It can be purchased over the counter in supplement form, so its not dangerous. Your GP has seen your D levels and prescribed something to bring it back into balance, so its going to be far more accurate than the rest of us who are just supplementing to the RDA without considering our food intake (hence we are getting more than the RDA anyway).

15-11-14, 05:37
NEVER google - anyone can post on the internet and you can NEVER be sure if the information you get online is true. The doctor is the best person to get any medical information from.

Whilst low vitamin D isn't going to kill you, vitamin D is an important vitamin to have in your body because it helps your body absorb all of the other important vitamins and minerals it needs. If you have low vitamin D, taking supplements prescribed by a doctor will be really good for you :) You might also find that it will help reduce any pain you are feeling in the muscles/bones or fatigue, which could be really nice.