View Full Version : Blood pressure average at home around the high 130/80 mark

14-11-14, 13:24
First day:
Average reading: 143/83

Second day:
Average reading: 137/80.8

Third day:
Average reading: 135/83

Fourth day:
Average reading: 137/82

Is this high for someone of my age? My period is due soon and I know a fluctuation of hormones can affect this.

The first reading is quite high and I think that was due to nerves the first time I took it.

I know I'm obsessing, but not sure why these things are happening :(

14-11-14, 13:28
You need to talk to your doctor about this and not us.

We can't advise on such matters and you are clearly stressing out over it.

14-11-14, 16:55
I'm just wondering if these are okay readings or do I need to be worried?

14-11-14, 17:20
But if I say no they are not ideal you are going to freak out aren't you?

14-11-14, 17:32
This has now become an obsession, I don't want to be unkind, but do you think it's 'normal' to be taking your blood pressure all the time? Throw the damn thing in the bin, then if you are still really worried, go to your doctor and get them to explain blood pressure to you. If they still gave you your prescription, then I'm sure they weren't worried.

14-11-14, 17:36
But if I say no they are not ideal you are going to freak out aren't you?

No, I have already seen that it's not ideal after looking online.
I'm pretty convinced there's something wrong with me so it's just something I've got to deal with I suppose. If I have to take BP meds at 25 then I guess that's the way it'll have to be.

14-11-14, 17:39
I think your blood pressure would have to be a lot higher than that before you would be prescribed tablets. First of all they would suggest diet and exercise.

14-11-14, 18:03
According to the blood pressure uk website, it's within the hypertension/high normal ranges. I just want to get it down to 125/120. It's so frustrating.

14-11-14, 18:07
They are all in the normal range, yes the first one is very slightly over but on average it is normal. Now throw the monitor in the bin.

14-11-14, 18:08
This is obsessive behaviour and you need help with your anxiety, not your blood pressure.

Please see your doctor and tell him/her about this behaviour so you can get help.

14-11-14, 18:14
How many posters on this thread have any idea what their blood pressure is right now? Or yesterday? Or last month?

If we all needed to know what our blood pressure was all the time, we'd all be issued with monitors!
As it is, what SHOULD happen is you feel unwell in some way, go to the doctor, they take your BP and deal with it accordingly.

I can tell you my husband has just turned 50, is an ex long term smoker and slightly overweight. I think the last time he had his blood pressure taken was when we changed doctor's....14 years ago!

14-11-14, 18:28
This is just really sad :weep: We've all seen it before and maybe some have been there themselves but I'm afraid there's nothing anyone can say to change what's going on.

Positive thoughts

14-11-14, 18:32
Everytime I get my BP checked the doc tells me its slightly high.

You know why?

Because I get anxious and my heart soars.

Taking your BP so neurotically is evidence in itself of your anxious state of mind.

Stop being ridiculous and get help.

14-11-14, 18:38
No, I have already seen that it's not ideal after looking online.
I'm pretty convinced there's something wrong with me so it's just something I've got to deal with I suppose. If I have to take BP meds at 25 then I guess that's the way it'll have to be.

I feel quite confident in saying no GP is going to issue you BP meds with those readings.

My advice would be to throw the BP monitor out of an upstairs window ASAP.

14-11-14, 20:27
Stop taking it at home. :) :hugs: