View Full Version : Makeup and plastic, do they cause cancer?

14-11-14, 14:24
I been reading all these stories about chemicals in makeup cause cancer and i'm terrified to use any. I also read about the chemicals in plastic when you microwave it. I didn't realize this and i put a plastic container of soup in microve and when i was done i realized i shouldn't of did it then i spilled it out and now i want to make something else to eat but afraid to use the microwave incase their is chemicals i'm going out of my mind with fear, is any of this true

---------- Post added at 14:24 ---------- Previous post was at 13:29 ----------

please i need advice

14-11-14, 14:54
I hesitate to answer this question because I don't want it to cause you greater anxiety, but... I don't think there is much clear evidence directly connecting either of these things to increased incidence of cancer.

However I don't think it's a bad thing to think carefully about what ingredients you do put all over your skin on a regular basis, and also the environmental impact of them... My personal preference is to purchase and use cosmetic products (and food) following a principle of "the less processed the better"... I notice from your post that you are in the US; well here in the UK we have a chain called Lush that make handmade cosmetic products from a lot of fresh & natural ingredients with minimal packaging, they also have a make up line although I forget what that's called...

On the plastic side of things, if the packaging is deemed microwaveable by the manufacturer, it is probably fine, a they wouldn't risk it otherwise... but again you could also make your own soups from fresh ingredients which will probably be a lot nicer. :)

14-11-14, 15:57
Hi, I buy most of my makeup from health shop. I am always looking at labels too.
As for microwave. I read the instructions and do as it says on the products.
I have heard of folk who put bottles of milk in the microwave. I would never do that.
In fact I wish microwave ovens had never been invented.
I do eat processed food though sometimes.:)xx

14-11-14, 16:38
Thank you for your replies they made me a little less scared, it's crazy seems like everything causes cancer i even read that air fresheners cause it too i have them in the house. I fear cancer so much it's really ruining my life i'm afraid to use and do anything.

14-11-14, 16:46
I think the key thing to remember is that the media will hype up everything to make it seem like a deadly beast. In reality, even if one ingredient in the plastic or make up was a suspected carcinogen, you would probably have to literally consume a ton of it before did anything to you, and more likely that would just cause severe stomach ache not cancer. Everything in moderation and you're fine :)

14-11-14, 16:48
The media loves to sensationalise things. Everything is bad for us and will one day lead to all our demises if they had their way. :winks:

Honestly, the only thing I check up on with make-up products and stuff is if they test on animals. If they do, the brand is banned. The Body Shop has a policy against testing on animals, and I believe Lush is all handmade stuff.

If plastic and make-up caused cancer, I'd be six feet under by now. :blush::whistles:

14-11-14, 16:48
Hi, I buy most of my makeup from health shop. I am always looking at labels too.
As for microwave. I read the instructions and do as it says on the products.
I have heard of folk who put bottles of milk in the microwave. I would never do that.
In fact I wish microwave ovens had never been invented.
I do eat processed food though sometimes.:)xx

do you mean like the plastic bottles you buy milk in from supermarkets? Don't they just melt?!

Nothing wrong with a bit of processed food every now and then, but personally I find if I eat to much it just makes me feel kind crappy.... :)

14-11-14, 17:07
I think the risk is very low tbh.

But because of my anxiety I use organic/paraben free products etc just to be on the safe side but I know it is futile but that's just me!:huh:

14-11-14, 17:09
Thank you i don't wear makeup everyday somedays just dont feel like it lol though being a hypochondriac i'll worry every time i put it on anyway. Makeup has been around for years it doesn't make sense that all of sudden it kills you. Did you guys hear anything about the air fresheners? I live with my family and my mom has them all over the house i told her to get rid of them but she wouldn't and she thought i was crazy.