View Full Version : Health anxiety since having no.2 prematurely

14-11-14, 15:41
Just want to introduce myself. I am a 34 yr old female and have been suffering from health anxiety since my 2nd daughter was born prematurely almost 1 yr ago.
I have been particularly stressed this year which is odd for me because I have never got very stressed about things in the past, but since having two little ones things have changed a lot for me.
I initially thought I had breast cancer as I found a lump which turned out to be hormones but since then I have had ongoing dizzy spells & nausea and convinced myself I have something serious going on. I have recently almost had panic attacks I think.
It's ruining my relationship with my husband bad is impacting on my everyday life with my girls. Can anyone relate? It would be great to hear from people going through similar things and how they have helped themselves.
I am breastfeeding and want to avoid medication if I possibly can.

14-11-14, 15:59
Hi Laurae, and welcome. It's so true that health scares, whether our own or our loved ones, really does do a number on our sense of safety. I imagine being a new mom just accentuates that feeling.

You'll find lots of support here. :)

14-11-14, 16:03
Thanks canbud. I am terrified of leaving them motherless, I think that is how it all started. I am currently trying to exercise as much as possible as I've heard that's helped some people, but it's hard with two little ones to look after.

15-11-14, 23:03
I could have written your post at one point in my life. Premature child, breast lump, bereavement and it tipped me over the edge into the world of anxiety and also scared of leaving my children before they are adults. My marriage suffered and at times still does because he doesn't really understand the anxiety and how it affects me and impacts the choices I make. Exercise does help, even just getting out in the fresh air and walking but it is hard when you have family commitments and with me I find everyone elses needs come before my own. I haven't any magic advice just wanted you to know you are not alone in what you have/are experiencing.