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View Full Version : ate burnt rice now im afraid it might cut my stomach? :/

14-11-14, 18:42
I was cooking one of those cheapo microwave meals and I must have cooked it too long because when I started eating it I realised it was full of horrible burnt, rock hard, sharp rice.

I only ate about two spoonfuls of the rice with hard sharp bits in it before I stopped.
But now I'm really scared some of the chewed grains could perforate my stomach because they were really sharp. I'm drinking hot tea to try and make the grains soft again but they were practically carbon so I don't know if it will work.

I'm anticipating a really horrible pain and then having to go to hospital and have an operation or something if the lining of my gut gets torn. I'm shaking just thinking about it.

I already have ulcers and stuff so my stomach is already quite tender.
I haven't made a trip to a&e for about 10 months now which is a record for me. I don't want to break it now but I'm so tempted to go up.

Couldn't these grains be like bits of glass? One of them cut my mouth already :/

Has anyone ever died from something like this?

14-11-14, 18:56
I lived through 14 years of my ex-wife's cooking and I'm still here! ;)

Positive thoughts

14-11-14, 19:03
Forget about it!
Your stomach is designed to cope with worse than burnt rice!

14-11-14, 19:24
Isn't that how you're supposed to eat rice? :D

Sounds like the rice I make.

14-11-14, 22:11
Ahaha FMP, I was going to post something similar about my own cooking.

Your stomach acid will make it all mushy before it can do any damage. I've never heard of burned rice tearing shreds in anyone's stomach. Believe me, if it did, I would have no stomach left ;)