View Full Version : jerked awake and fear of the fear

14-11-14, 21:48
hi all im new back here after many yrs away.i suffered slight panic attacks in the past but recently had a major panic attack which has left me highly anxious leading to more panic
i was alone at the time and havent been able to be alone without a panic since.its ruing my daughters life

it would help if i could relax and sleep but i am often jerked awake.hypnic jerks i believe they are called and im actually scared to try to sleep.i hate the sensation

my anxiety seems based on fear of being alone now and fear of the actual fear.the sensation was so scarey

i am housebound and suffer some long term ill health so i cant distract myself.but i really need advice as to how to deal with this all so my daughter can have some life.she already cares for me pysically without having to deal with this too

14-11-14, 22:13
Have you ever read any books by Claire Weekes?
She was an authority on panic and anxiety, and her "Self Help for Your Nerves" was (and still is) a life saver for me when my anxiety was at its peak. It will really help you get to grips with the symptoms of anxiety and panic and will take away the fear, and thus break the fear-adrenaline-fear cycle you describe.

I can't recommend it highly enough - lots and lots of members here swear by it. She writes in such an easy, comforting way that just reading the first few pages will make you feel much better.

17-11-14, 02:58
hi thankyou chickpea i will look up her books thanks

18-11-14, 07:05
had a very bad night.not slept at all.had an awful depersonalisation.i didnt know what was happenign but read up about it afterwards but left me scared to sleep again

18-11-14, 13:23
I'm with you on that one.

I started getting panics just after my youngest was born 7 months ago and a family member died. I cannot stand to be alone and beg my husband to stay off work. I know it won't help me in the long term but I hate when he goes and I'm left alone with the kids.

I even had a panic this morning going up to the school to drop my eldest off. It's taking over my life and I don't want to do anything except the bare essentials from day to day. Horrible horrible feeling. Your not alone.

Ianaged to pull myself together for a few months and now I feel back to where I started again. Councilling waiting lists in my area are huge too!

Have you had any type of therapy? X

29-08-15, 03:33
hi bulldogowner so sorry didnt see your comment until now as i didnt come back here as reading about things was setting me of worse

how are you doing now ?

ive not had any therapy as i cant get out to see anyone

i understand what you mean as losing somene close to me recently has made me a lot worse too.i hope you are feelign better now ?

29-08-15, 23:30
Have you tried online help ....mynameisterry on here has some good links , also plenty of books to download etc ..

Sorry to read you are house bound , can you at least get in a Garden / Patio ?

13-09-15, 01:11
hi terry i am currently tryign some cbt nline.it has helpd.ive not had much else support wise.