View Full Version : Menopausal madwoman

04-01-07, 09:51
Hi everyone,

I havent been posting for a while as I have felt much better, no pamnic attacks and minimal anxiety.

However this last month, I have had unbelieveable anxiety and health anxiety and I cant seem to shake it.

Im not on any medication as I refused citolopram and I was doing quite well just visiting this site, changing diet, cutting out alcholhol (the usual) and of course positive thinking but the anxiety/panic has hit me again like a ton of bricks.

My explanation/link is early menopause (im 45) my doctor says it is life and im at a difficult stage (no mention of menopause) I can either go away and liove with it OR take the tablets and blank the whole thing out and live in a blur!

Can anyone offer any advice?


why dont sheep shrink in the rain?

04-01-07, 13:53
Hi Mads

I really started to get bad panic attacks and GAD when i hit the same age, or little later its the peri menopause, our hormones are going up andd down all over the place, have managed to control it fairly well with usual, diet, breathing etc, and found that taking a supplement for menopausal women good, like menopace.

04-01-07, 20:16
Hi Mads,

I'm going throught the menopause at the moment, know just how you feel, so
TC xxxxxxxxxx