View Full Version : Skin problems-vitiligo?

15-11-14, 04:34
I'm not even sure why I'm up at 3AM, worried about this crap.

Shortly after I began my fling with anxiety, I noticed a patch of skin on my left hand was slightly lighter than the rest. Not bright white, and it's not hugely noticeable. I've considered vitiligo, but I would have expected it to be somewhat lighter/brighter if that were the case. Sometimes, I can barely see it, but it does appear to have gotten a little larger.

There's times when I don't even think I'm really seeing anything at all. It just looks slightly lighter than the rest of my hand. The texture of the skin is normal. I'm scared it is vitiligo caused by anxiety, but every picture I've seen shows a significant lightening of the skin. It could also be a yeast infection known as tinea versicolour, but it would normally be scaly. I have no family history of vitiligo, I do not burn easily (I tan very easily) and I have olive toned skin.

Is it possible that it is just caused by anxiety?

15-11-14, 05:42
I don't know the answer, but I just looked at the back of both of my hands and it appears that one hand is red and blotchy, and the other is my usual colour with a few paler areas around the knuckles. And if I press down on either hand, it becomes lighter for a while then 'fades' back to normal colour. And if I turn them over there's a kind of circle patch in the centre of my palms that is paler than the rest of my palms/fingers. Actually, come to think of it, both of my hands look like they are different colours to each other, haha :) Perhaps your hand has always been slightly lighter in colour in that area and maybe you've just never paid it as much attention?