View Full Version : ULtrasound polyp

15-11-14, 09:06
My uktrasound shows what they thinks is a uterine polyp which is being taken out on Monday. But I am scared it's not that and also the report says heterogeneous uterine lining. When I asked my doctor he said this is normal but everywhere I look it says it's not!! Not even in pre menapausal women!! Does anyone know anything about this PLEASE

15-11-14, 11:16
All it means is that there is some thickening on the walls of the uterus which there would be if you have polyps. I had the same.

15-11-14, 13:37
Oh thank youe Annie do your report say the same word then? And what really scares me is the use of the word "may" be a polyp? So makes you think they can't be sure? I am so frightend today I am shaking like a leaf x

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:34 ----------

The heterogeneous word I mean? X

---------- Post added at 13:35 ---------- Previous post was at 13:35 ----------

We're yours seen on normal uktrasound only like mine? X

---------- Post added at 13:37 ---------- Previous post was at 13:35 ----------

You see when I asked the doctor what he meant , he said it's normal as womb is getting ready for baby etc but it can't be normal then can it? Why did he say that?

15-11-14, 15:22
At certain times of the month the womb is thicker than others but if you have a polyp or fibroids it will stay thicker in those areas.
I had a normal ultrasound first then I had a hysteroscopy and the polyps were removed at the same time.

15-11-14, 15:35
Ok... it means that your uterus is not made of smooth porcelain. My ex had the same thing and it affects more than half the female population and is the reason behind heavier visits from Aunt Flo and heavier cramping. It's not sinister and easily treated.

Positive thoughts

15-11-14, 17:18
How come you had the hysteroctopy after clear ultrasond Annie? Did u have symptoms? I have slight spotting say 2/3 days be before period and then nothing before starts again properly. Doc said this would not be usually considered inter cycle bleeding??? But worried it's not normal now as had it for ages. Thanks fish man, are they the words they used to describe it ?

---------- Post added at 17:15 ---------- Previous post was at 17:14 ----------

Annie sorry for another question but are u saying your heterogeneous uterus was not seen on ultra sound? Fishman, was your ex's found on ultrasond. I'm scared it's not even a polyp As can ultrasond be that accurate?

---------- Post added at 17:17 ---------- Previous post was at 17:15 ----------

And it is upsetting he said it was normal to me as uterus getting ready for a baby becomes uneven but obviously not! :(

---------- Post added at 17:18 ---------- Previous post was at 17:17 ----------

Because how I understand it heterogeneous is uneven and not uniform and not to do with thickness? Am I wtong?

15-11-14, 18:13
The thickening in the lining of my womb and the polyps WERE seen on my ultrasound. I understand it that heterogeneous just means that the womb lining is not uniform as this most usually means because of thickening, polyps or fibroids.

---------- Post added at 18:13 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------

Sorry when I said normal ultrasound I meant just a normal routine ultrasound I didn't mean the results were normal.

15-11-14, 18:38
Did they say they knew it was a polyp Anne from ultrasound? And it's the thickening bit that scares me or is that just where the polyp is? Did they say "May be" a polyp ? Could thickening be bad cells? My polyp is 18mm x 9mm x 14mm and I don't know if that's big or not and what the implications of that are as it could have Been there for years?! I had my son in 2009 but don't know if it would have been seen on baby scans?

---------- Post added at 18:37 ---------- Previous post was at 18:35 ----------

Did they do a biopsy of your lining too, I, scared about the results of that too as some sites say bad cells and polyps can come hand in hand x

---------- Post added at 18:38 ---------- Previous post was at 18:37 ----------

Are u same age as me? I am 40

15-11-14, 18:48
I am 56 now but I was in my 40's when I had my first polyp removed. Thickening of the lining of the womb is much more common (and natural) in ladies of 40 and over. It is also very normal at certain times in the menstrual cycle.
Yes they did a biopsy at the same time and it was fine as they most usually are. You need to STOP googling and searching websites for answers as more often than not they come up with worst case scenarios that are VERY rare. The doctor can usually tell if it something sinister from the ultrasound and blood test results so if they say it is a polyp then I would accept that is what it is. They just do the biopsy to be 100% sure.

15-11-14, 22:01
I know Annie it's just the doctor only saw the report and it was the sonographer who did the scan not a doctor. I suppose with health anxiety I always go that one step further snd say but what if it's not a polyp and something else, I try not to but that's me and I'm terrified x

15-11-14, 22:11
The Sonographer will have passed the scan to a consultant who writes the report to send to your GP.

15-11-14, 23:37
No it came straight from her apparently I was told and she send the report as her name is on it. She is a senior one, is that normal and worries me as she would not be a doctor? X

---------- Post added at 23:37 ---------- Previous post was at 23:11 ----------

Even the gyno hasn't seen the scan only seen the report

18-11-14, 09:54
Had op yesterdsy and they made s mistake with medication and I was administered volterol twice! I had to stay in longer and still feel panicky about it now I'm home. I had to have blood test becUse of it snd another repeat one on Thursday. They say its ok but can't get my head around it. Consultant said it looked ok and just trying to hold onto that as resukts not back til end of week. I suppose they can tell what looks normal and ehw doesn't.....? Thought I might actually get some sleep as had general anethestic but no, stil felt wired, maybe anxiety and these sertraline tablets. Please tell me this sleeping will improve or is 3 weeks still too early ?

18-11-14, 18:42
The last time I had GA for my hysteroscopy I felt dreadful for a few days. I had lots of pain relief too and it made me a bit nauseous. If the Consultant said it looks okay then most likely it is :) He wouldn't say it looked ok if he thought there could be a problem.

18-11-14, 21:19
Thank u Annie I am trying to think that as much as I can x

18-11-14, 22:13

I had a hysteroscopy nearly 4 weeks ago and I am still waiting for my biopsy results! I have been experiencing bleeding each month halfway through my cycle, which is why I had it. I did have an ultrasound first which showed a thicker lining.

I have also had 2 previous hysteroscopies in the last for the same issue. On those occasions they were done under GA and I felt rubbish for a few days after.


18-11-14, 22:25
Feel bit shaky but so worried too and still bleeding a bit is that normal? also throat hurts and hoping its from tube in my throat? I'm not taking antthig for pain as too scared. Reason being that they messed up on the volterol. Consultant administered in surgery snd the nurse did it again couple of hours later! Only found out becaus I happend to say I felt funny!

18-11-14, 22:37
Yep, I felt all that after GA!

I had my last one awake, so didn't suffer, but I did bleed after for a few days. All very normal.

21-11-14, 08:33
Had hysteroscopy on Monday and they messed up with the pain killer volterol and over administered so as u can imagine my anxiety wwant Sky high! I had to have blood tests and follow up ones too. It's Friday and have results and all fine :) but still having tummy ache kind of feeling, not low down bit higher up, is that normal?

---------- Post added at 08:33 ---------- Previous post was at 08:25 ----------

It wouldnt be the volterol would it, would that be out my system now?

21-11-14, 19:10
Pleased to hear your results are fine :) You can have pain for a while after, I guess it messes with your whole system a bit x

21-11-14, 20:58
Thank u Annie x got to work on anxiety now one day at a time. Still have churning tummy and fuzzy head. Been on sertraline 4 weeks and don't feel any better apart from no sleep and feeling anxious still x

21-11-14, 21:04
Still early days for sert and with the worry of the op it won't have helped. Hopefully you will soon start to feel better xx