View Full Version : Sudafed

15-11-14, 12:37
Have taken sudafed to alleviate catarrh in ear. Feel like I have butterflies in my tummy. Anybody else taken it. Does it work for you.

15-11-14, 12:49
Nervousness is a common side effect of Sudafed.

15-11-14, 12:57
Thanks for that. Not sure if it's making me better or worse. Can take 4 a day. Think I will stick at 2.

15-11-14, 13:06
It is the same with Beconase nasal spray - obviously something in the ingredients is a stimulant (steroids?).
If you really can't tolerate it, maybe see an osteopath. I had sinus problems last summer and dealing with my neck/shoulder issues sorted the issue by allowing the sinuses to drain properly.
Also, a simple saline nasal spray, like the ones used for young children with colds, can work too. I used this and steaming twice daily with hot water and menthol crystals for my sinuses.

15-11-14, 13:16
Like chickpea said, steaming with menthol and also hot and cold compresses over your nose (alternating every 10 minutes) helps to relieve it more naturally. I can't take Sudafed as it has an interaction with my anxiety meds.

15-11-14, 13:51
I have a blockage in my ear. The doc said she could hardly see me eardrum and steam was the best thing. She said that's why I am light headed. Not sure whether sudafed is helping or hindering.

15-11-14, 14:02
Your blockage is almost certainly caused by sinus issues - hence the Sudafed and steaming. Clear your sinuses and you will solve the problem.

15-11-14, 14:05
Thanks for your reply just wish it would hurry up. Have serious HA issues and am considering hypnotism. I have been googling leukaemia all week. Was convinced it was that oh aswell as a brain tumour.

15-11-14, 14:23
Thanks for your reply just wish it would hurry up. Have serious HA issues and am considering hypnotism. I have been googling leukaemia all week. Was convinced it was that oh aswell as a brain tumour.

Do you mean hypnotherapy?
I have had it for other issues (needle phobia and hypnobirth) and it worked very well.
I don't know enough about leukaemia to know why you think a blocked ear would be caused by it, but I can tell you that I had a headache, light headedness and visual disturbances for over 2 months last summer and it was all down to my sinuses (which weren't even infected, only blocked). I was worried about a brain tumour or infection, but it really was my sinuses.
After I'd seen an osteopath for the first time, I was actually sick from the effect of the toxins that had been released by the treatment.

15-11-14, 14:40
Hi chickpea yes I mean hypnotherapy. That sounds exactly like me, am going to a physio/osteopath on Wednesday as I think some of it could also be down to my posture. The doctor has told me its a blocked ear. Just too easy to not believe. I've recently had an eye test so brain tumour unlikely. The fact I have no leukaemia symptoms should be enough to stop me worrying. Were your sinuses allergy related?? How did you get rid of it.

15-11-14, 14:59
My sinuses were purely down to posture problems - I have had shoulder, neck and back problems on and off for years, but I think I messed things up big time last year doing a sit up challenge and a plank challenge. I have hypermobility, which means my joints move a lot - my oeteopath said I would need regular maintenance treatment to keep things right.

This year, my sinuses have been ok but I did get horrendous hay fever all summer, so I probably have allergies too. My shoulder is just starting to give me problems again, and sure enough, I'm waking up with a blocked nose on one side.
I have also recently changed to a memory foam orthopaedic pillow, as recommended by both my osteopath and dentist, to help with posture problems.

15-11-14, 15:02
How interesting, I know that I don't sit properly at work, often have my shoulders hunched and look down. Will be quite interesting to see what my lady says, I trust her as much as a gp. Sometimes I am light headed sometime feels like my head weighs a ton.