View Full Version : Chest Visibly Puffs Up With Deep Breath and goes flatter when blowing out? Normal?

15-11-14, 22:11

i am a male and I noticed something today I have noticed before. When I breath hard or take a deep breath my chest puffs up. If I blow out my chest literally flattens from a side view. It's very noticable. Maybe this is logical because I am blowing air out of my chest?

But I have never noticed this before. Even if I look closely I can see my chest very slightly going in and out with normal breath in certain spots of it. I am pretty thin, but why am I just now noticing this? Hopefully this is normal. Can someone take their short off and check. Take a deep breath, does your chest visibly puff up? Blow out, does your chest flatten. Does it flatten or get smaller even when just blowing out? Thanks

15-11-14, 22:12
Of course it does. Where do you think the air goes when you breathe in?

15-11-14, 22:46
Thanks eeesh. But I have never ever noticed this my entire life. It's very visible. If I take a deep breath and hold for say a few seconds I can literally see my chest filling up with air. If I blow out, I can literally see my chest getting flatter...even flatter than baseline. Looking in the mirror at a side view makes this most visible.

15-11-14, 23:14
Sounds normal to me. I'd be worried if my chest didn't move when I breathe in and out, haha :) Do you have a cat or a dog? If so, watch them breathe. Their whole body seems to go in and out when they breathe.

16-11-14, 00:02
Thanks eeesh. But I have never ever noticed this my entire life. It's very visible. If I take a deep breath and hold for say a few seconds I can literally see my chest filling up with air. If I blow out, I can literally see my chest getting flatter...even flatter than baseline. Looking in the mirror at a side view makes this most visible.

When you breathe normally do you exhale all the air in your lungs? Nnnnope, that would be uncomfortable and strenuous.

16-11-14, 00:51
With all due respect, this is a normal bodily function. It's like saying your worried because your poo stinks :huh:

Positive thoughts