View Full Version : couciling ?

16-11-14, 12:22
has any one had couciling for their anxiety don't mean the cbt therapy , and did it help would like anyones feedback on it if they have had it thks

16-11-14, 12:33
I had counselling for panic attacks when I was at college and it worked fantastically for me. Took a few more years of practise outside of the counselling room but I am now panic attack free for almost two years. It's worth remembering that counselling itself won't fix the anxiety, but they are there to listen to you and help you to find your own solution. Some are armed with fantastic coping skills that help in the long term.

PS: As a trainee counsellor I am extremely biased, but I wouldn't be one if I thought they didn't work.

16-11-14, 21:01
I had a bad experience with counselling, but that was because the person I was seeing was very aggressive with trying to find out all my issues in the first session. I found that she tried to pin all my anxieties on things I didn't agree with so after that I felt very angry and upset. (She tried to blame my mum for everything, which made me really angry as it is NOT my mums fault) but I think with the right counsellor then it would probably be quite useful for talking things through and figuring out ways to cope.

16-11-14, 21:14
I've had three lots of counselling two,private who were rubbish and expensive
One with the nhs that was brilliant and very helpful,I still use his advice and techniques today
I think you have to gel with the counsellor and get on with them ,if not move on quickly