View Full Version : Worried I have concussion

16-11-14, 12:42
I was hoovering on my hands and knees and the hoover fell on top of me hitting my head (front section)

There is a slight lump an now I am having panic attacks worried that I have a concussion

Is it possible?

16-11-14, 12:49
Sounds funny. Sorry.

Possible but nothing to be concerned about.

When I was a kid I practically lived with a lump on my head. I ran into a goal post, fell on my face unnumerable times, got hit by a cricket ball, smashed in the face with a hockey stick (by accident I may add).

I'm fine.

(Well, I am on a mental health board but we will overlook that :D)

16-11-14, 12:53
I have no idea if my anxiety is making me feel worse then it already is.

I should not have googled lump on head

16-11-14, 12:53
I have no idea if my anxiety is making me feel worse then it already is.

I should not have googled lump on head


16-11-14, 14:05
I doubt it, if I'm honest. I've had all sorts fall on my head and I've whacked my head on all sorts and only leave with a minor headache. My husband suffered from concussion when he was on his stag do when he went from running to landing flat on his face, his eyebrow was the size of a golf ball.

If you're worried then speak to somebody. I'm concerned that if I list symptoms of concussion it will make your anxiety worse, of the anxiety mimics those symptoms which results in you feeling worse. How heavy was the hoover and at what height did it fall?

16-11-14, 16:36
I just researched this extensively bc a ladder fell on my head this week. So, the definition of a concussion is confusion after head injury. Were you confused at all? Forgetful? Do your eyes dilate when you shine a flashlight in them? Most likely, you do not have a concussion, but just a bruise-hematoma. :) Hope this helps.
My head actually bled for a while, and that had me super freaked out! But had no symptoms but a headache, which should be expected.