View Full Version : Dizziness, vertigo and anxiety

16-11-14, 13:53
I have suffered with anxiety for many many years. Everyday I experience anxiety symptoms such as racing heartbeat, palpitations etc. But since waking up with severe vertigo two years ago I have felt a lot worse.

I feel a degree of dizziness everyday but sometimes it is worse than others. I have had three main attacks of vertigo whereby I couldn't even stand up they were the most frightening and horrifying experiences of my life. Doctors have never really got to the bottom of what is causing my dizziness/vertigo. Maybe Menieres, labyrinthitis or BPPV. I also have extreme stress at the moment and this weekend has been a nightmare with noisy neighbours and I have been feeling extremely unbalanced.

I say I have vertigo but apart from the main attacks which I guess were vertigo, daily I feel like things are moving around me or I am moving to the left and I have to hold on to something it is very scary and my head feels foggy and disorientated. I don't really know what to do next as I don't want to feel like this forever.

16-11-14, 17:15
I never saw myself as suffering from this until I read your post.

My balance used to be a joke for, i think, a few years.
If I went to the cinema I'd be worried that when I stood up I'd fall down the stairs going to the toilet. My head was swimming about as I tried to place each foot on the next step. I didn't know whether it was weak ankles or if it was my head. I just used to say I had terrible balance.

It just went. I'm 99% certain it was an anxiety symptom now. Better nutrition ? I'm not sure.

I'd just suggest to do everything you know or have heard of to lower your levels of anxiety and symptoms like these should hopefully just go in time. My heads been clear for a long time now.

16-11-14, 19:32
I actually also get some sort of dizziness every day. Each cause of dizziness feels a bit different too so I'm beginning to understand why I might be getting dizzy..
I get panic attack dizzy from a racing heart
I get swimming head feeling from standing up quickly probably from bad nutrition
I get room spinning dizzy from hormonal changes
And I get feel like falling over dizzy from looking at screens for too long...

That's a lot of dizzy! Although I find if I just let it pass and accept it for what it is it tends to go quicker. I'm even a bit dizzy while typing this in fact!

The funny thing is that I've got very good balance, so I just blame all the dizziness on everything else! The less you focus on it, the less of an issue it becomes. Can't give any advice on how to get rid of it unfortunately apart from controlling the anxiety, eating properly, not getting empty and hungry, drinking enough water...

16-11-14, 19:43
I think you may have labs or menieres.

Your inner ear is very sensitive to stress. I got labs after a stressful event and I felt dizzy, off balance and weird for weeks.

Keep moving that is the best way to get the brain to compensate :)

Rock and roll jive dancing cured mine!