View Full Version : Claire weekes

16-11-14, 15:19
I'm currently reading this book and whilst I am taking some good stuff from it. It's also making me panic. She referes to anxious people not being able to sleep. I have the oppersite problem I'm always tired

Anyone else the same ?

16-11-14, 15:32
I think it is very common to feel tired all the time, but also not be able to sleep at night.
Also, depression can make you feel tired all the time and often goes hand in hand with anxiety.

What about what she says makes you panic?

Personally, I found Claire Weekes a life saver when I was suffering extreme anxiety - she is so soothing and reassuring.

16-11-14, 15:39
I too am curious as to why that would make you panic. As Chickpea said, it's quite common to feel both ways. Depression can play a role in those that sleep a lot even with those that have anxiety. That's why there are forums on the boards that speak about it.

Positive thoughts

16-11-14, 16:23
I think my main problem was where she describes people being fatigued but unable to sleep. That's just made me starting thinking why I want to sleep so much. Never really considered depression, my doctors have.