View Full Version : dvt d dimer pleeease help

16-11-14, 16:12
ok so i have a recuring fear of dvt and pe
ende dup in hosp today chest pain palpatations and leg pain
they did xray bloods checked heart
d dimer came out at 78 the cut off is 250 so im well under
but i know last time i was 32

i cant stop worrying that they might of missed something

16-11-14, 16:19
That's your HA lying to you big time. Tests have proven there's no risk. Other than saying you have to trust the results, I don't have much else to say. Reassurance isn't the answer. Learning to trust your doctors and scientific medical tests is. Looking into therapy to help you deal with the illogical thoughts would be prudent.

Positive thoughts

16-11-14, 16:27
thank u i know my thoughts are not helping at all
iv just read so much online before i started trying to fight proply that when i do have a relapse it all comes flooding back
iv just got constant nagging doubts

18-11-14, 01:30
This has been one of fears for many years I to have trotted myself off to hospital with left leg pain, chest pain and palpitations.. That fear started when I was pregnant and I was actually suspected of having one (I didn't ) and I do remember a doctor saying to me that a positive d dimer is not conclusive of a blood clot as there are loads of things that can elevate it but a negative is almost a certainty that they can rule it out x