View Full Version : Panicking like crazy

16-11-14, 16:37

for the past few days I've has intermittent pain in one of the teeth in the lower right of my mouth.
I'm now getting pain below my ear and at the bottom of my jaw line.
Also, I tried to swish a salt water rinse around my mouth a little while ago and it send a sharp pain through the floor of my mouth and into the part just below my jaw (glands). I believe it related to what I'm about to say but I'm not sure.
I was fine, but then I remembered something from when I had an abscess the last time.

I remembered Ludwig's Angina, now I'm panicking like crazy and thinking i've got it

I've called 111 already and they said for me not to worry (and the lady hasn't even heard of it). She asked me irrelevant questions and said I don't need to be seen. Now i'm confused

Please speak to me, I'm feeling really stupid and stressed lately, I just want some relief :(.

I'm sorry guys

17-11-14, 23:57
This sounds like an infection in your tooth. Would it not be sensible to book an appointment with the dentist so that he can check it out.

18-11-14, 00:40
Ludwig's Angina? Someone's been talking to Dr Google! ;) No wonder the woman at 111 didn't know what you were talking about but at least you made her night interesting. You've been somewhat on a HA roll lately. I definitely would check in with your dentist as you had a tooth issue not too long ago and I would seriously look into some kind of counseling of you've not done so already.

Positive thoughts