View Full Version : Alcohol and anxiety...I could do with some advice tonight

16-11-14, 22:46
Hey everyone

I think I did a bit of a stupid thing today....

I met a few friends this afternoon to watch the rugby. I didn't have much to eat when i met them. And had a few pints. We then went to a pub after the match, and I had a few more pints. Basically all day I had one piece of carrot cake and probably about 6 or 7 pints.

I'm now back home - and trying to eat something. But my anxiety is so awful right now, I feel terrible.

I'm currently on 75mg sertraline for anxiety. and 75mg per day pregabalin...i've been having weird nerve-like sensations in my legs which my GP thinks is anxiety but she prescribed me this saying it would work whether it is nerve pain of anxiety.

I feel so stupid. I shouldn't have drank without eating, but i felt going out and having fun would have helped me. Now i feel so rubbish and feel i've set myself back weeks

ryan :(

16-11-14, 22:51
You haven't set yourself back at all!
You've rejoined the real world, getting out and having fun with your mates.
Anyone would feel crap after 6 pints and no food - give yourself a break!

Have some toast, a couple of paracetamol, a vitamin C tablet if you have one and a large glass of water...and sleep it off.:yesyes:
Tomorrow is a new day and a new week - you'll be fine.:hugs:

16-11-14, 22:51
You don't need any advice nor reassurance. You know what you did and are suffering the consequences. Think of it as a learning experience.... only if you heed your own advice.

Positive thoughts

16-11-14, 22:54
Sorry...i hate reassurance and advice seeking...and i totally know that's what I did.

I did have a good time. Until now - but yes, i'm suffering the consequences of what I did. That's all.

Thanks chickpea and fishman. Seriously - didn't want to come across like a reassurance seeker even though I did. I just felt crap and needed a few kind words!!


16-11-14, 22:57
Some say alcohol is bad for anxiety. For me it makes it miles better but equally some say that's a danger due to the possibility of addiction. I have a pint most nights, very rarely more so really not worried about that.

With respect to the nerve sensation in the legs, for a few years now I've had buzzing in the legs when lying down after getting very drunk. I kind of enjoy it. :)

16-11-14, 22:59
Hey, you don't have to apologise for wanting an arm around your shoulder.
Keep looking forward. Don't beat yourself up for having fun - you're young and you've been out with friends...hardly a crime!

You've worked so hard to help yourself, Ryan - don't let anything cloud that.
Believe me, you'll be fine tomorrow (apart from a sore head!)xxx

16-11-14, 23:09
Hi Peeps - hope all is well.
Ryan, well done for getting out and about. So you had a few pints? That's ok. Be assured you know why you feel a bit off and can attribute it to the beer. Most important thing is that when you get up in the morning, eat food; you may feel a little fragile! Then Reflect on what a good time you had. It's a step forward my friend. Stay positive - You are not on your own mate.
Take care - Ant

16-11-14, 23:13
Thank you Ant...i think i worked myself up a bit when i got back home and i felt really rubbish. But as always, all of you have made me think logically and see sense! Hope this doesn't make you feel awkward - but both you and Chick play a big role in me fighting this anxiety! And really want to do the same for you both!

Did you start the sertraline yet Ant?

16-11-14, 23:21
Look how far you've come from even 2 weeks ago.:yesyes:

I'm off to bed for a Horlicks and a bit of mindfulness before sleep...Yes, that's how I roll! :D
Hope your head's not too sore in the morning, Ryan.x

16-11-14, 23:24
Say whatever you want. Reassure yourself however you feel makes you feel better, but it is a PROVEN FACT (http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/depression/expert-answers/antidepressants-and-alcohol/faq-20058231) that alcohol and anxiety don't mix. If you're on meds? Even more of a no no. Show me where a drug manufacturer says otherwise and I'll eat my words.

Positive thoughts

16-11-14, 23:28
It's true, I'm sure, but once the alcohol wears off, there's no need for Ryan to think he's set himself back weeks.
What's done is done, and he just needs to stay focused on his recovery and the huge progress he's made.

16-11-14, 23:32
I don't disagree at all Fishman...i know i shouldn't be drinking...i know that tonight more than ever. It was stupid.

But at least I got out and spent time with friends - so I'm holding on to that for now.

Thanks again for all your replies! Means so much to have this support, it really does.

16-11-14, 23:44
Hey Ryan - Glad you are feeling a little clearer! Of course FMP is quite right about alcohol, as he is about most things on this forum. Bottom line is that you pays your money and takes your choice! As long you as you can rationalise how you are likely to feel when you come down and moderate your consumption according to your tolerance of the symptoms, then that's ok. We all have to live for the moment once in a while, even if there are consequences. The positive memories will stay forever, the anxiety will fade quickly; thats how I try to look at it. I have started the Sertraline. It wouldn't be so bad if I had managed to quell my health symptoms first, so everything it amplified at the minute, which is not so good. Seeing the GP tomorrow, so will discuss then. I'm thinking I might drop the meds for now, but I'm trying to keep an open mind. Remember, a cooked breakfast first thing and if you do have a wobble, it's just a hangover!!!(God knows, I get bluesey the morning after a beer!!).

17-11-14, 01:06
Hi IrishLondon, both Fishmanpa and Chickpea are right and the Alcohol cause dehydration which is another bad thing for Anxiety. You won't set yourself back weeks, so don't start panicking. Drink a big glass of water if you get time before going to bed and maybe drink a little more water tomorrow. Don't feel bad, you just wanted to feel normal and have a little fun. Maybe it was a little too early for you in your recovering period. The legs tingling and vibrating will pass, just let it pass over you, don't let it freak you out, it can't harm you. :)

17-11-14, 14:36
I don't want to stop drinking I tried not drinking for a week and I was bored out my brain... However! I Now moderate my drinking by having days off and ive found I can quite happily have around 3 pints without it affecting my next days anxiety

hth kris

17-11-14, 20:24
Thanks everyone for your replies and support once again!

Today was pretty rough anxiety wise, but that was to be expected I guess. I know my brain isn't well at the moment and I need to take care of it - and drinking pints like that on an empty stomach isn't taking care of myself. I went to the gym this evening and I'm going to try to make that a regular thing.


17-11-14, 21:05
Been wondering how your day's been. :D
Good for you for weathering it and doing something positive tonight. I've never been a gym bunny but I used to run 3 or 4 times a week and it was brilliant for stress and self-confidence. I only stopped because I have weird feet and was getting shin splints and foot pain every run.

17-11-14, 21:11
Hey chick,

Didn't sleep so well last night, so today was a bit of a tough one - felt so restless and jittery, like I just couldn't switch off or sit still. But i'm glad I pushed myself to the gym this evening to get some of that nervous energy out. I'm having good and bad days - so I just have to remember the good ones when I have a bad one.

I too used to get bad shin splints when I ran outside, so have moved to running on the treadmill for now and bought a proper pair of running shoes a few months ago.

How was your day chick? Get up to anything nice?

17-11-14, 22:43
I had my gait analysed and bought proper running shoes and everything - but I have the bizarre combination of bunions and hypermobility, which means my big toe bends upwards with every step but the joint stays fixed so takes all the force. I saw a podiatrist, who said she'd never seen feet like mine!
I'll get back to it one day, but probably have to accept that I'll never been any kind of distance runner.

Glad you can see the wood for the trees, regarding good days and bad days. Bad days need to be shrugged off for what they are - a blip, not a set back. Really great days can follow the worst days, so never lose hope.

My husband wasn't working today, so we had a lazy morning, then walked the dogs in the drizzle - we have a cocker spaniel and a Labrador, and live in lovely countryside, so I don't mind the weather. I tried to work out how to appeal a private parking notice (now up to £70 for parking too long in Waitrose!) and realised I should have done it sooner (of course!) and then I went off to give flute lessons to twins, while my little boy had a cello lesson. Wrestled with my daughter's homework tonight (well, wrestled her into doing it!) - a day in the life of a Celt - before trying to catch up with last night's X Factor results.
Following a long bath, I'm now in bed with Saturday's Telegraph, about to tackle the pub quiz and the General knowledge crossword - my husband is a bit of a general knowledge whizz, so he'll beat me hands down.:lac:

Catherine S
18-11-14, 02:39
Why do people who should know better...ie..those of us on any kind of regular meds...drink a lot of alcohol and then ask why they feel like crap? It happens time and again. You know why you feel like crap so why post about it? Just let the hangover wear off without starting a thread about it...its hardly rocket science. Drink by all means, but hangovers make anxiety worse...oh what a surprise, and guess what? Hangovers make people who don't normally suffer with anxiety have anxiety...its a given. So unless you're completely new to the after effects of too much alcohol, why post about it?


18-11-14, 12:50
Why do people who should know better...ie..those of us on any kind of regular meds...drink a lot of alcohol and then ask why they feel like crap? It happens time and again. You know why you feel like crap so why post about it? Just let the hangover wear off without starting a thread about it...its hardly rocket science. Drink by all means, but hangovers make anxiety worse...oh what a surprise, and guess what? Hangovers make people who don't normally suffer with anxiety have anxiety...its a given. So unless you're completely new to the after effects of too much alcohol, why post about it?


I tend to agree. The reason people do it is because they forget what a hangover feels like, and alcohol feels so good in the moment. It's a temporary cure for aches, pains, worries, social anxiety. I over-indulged in London last week and let me tell you that the moment you wake up and realise that you are just starting your hangover is one of the worst feelings imaginable! I don't do it too often these days as my heart reacts really badly - I get short of breath, heart races, skips multiple beats - this is along with all the other stuff like headache, aches and pains, dry mouth, shakes etc.

It makes me so angry that some people can drink a skinful and be absolutely fine the next day - takes me up to 2 days to recover!

Last week I had to endure all these symptoms on a packed tube - believe me the tube is not the place you want to be with a hangover. I can laugh about it now but at the time you're thinking that you're never going to touch a drop of alcohol ever again!

18-11-14, 14:10
i think the trouble is we over analyse everything all the drinkers i know don't worry about a damn thing there out for a good time and that's that unless they've all got GAD but haven't told me lol