View Full Version : Cancer fears an possible symptoms

16-11-14, 22:48
I'm paranoid I have colon cancer. I've done those tests they do on stools - testing for blood but they are clear. This was a year ago now but surely you can have colon cancer an have no blood. I've had constipation for a month and urine retention! Dr says it's due to stress but the Dr blames everything on stress. I did a CBC and WBC was elevated but still not high - it was 11.6 normal is 11.

No blood in stool but still constipated (kinda) and I still have incomplete pee!

Anyone else had this?
I feel as though I have something new every month but this has lasted longer than most.

Thanks so much

16-11-14, 22:53
Clear tests = no cancer

Posting about symptoms on an anxiety forum = anxiety

Positive thoughts

17-11-14, 08:30
A kind word other than logic ..Priceless... I suppose you are doing the Visa commercial Fishpa :-)