View Full Version : I really really need someone to talk to

17-11-14, 00:58
I need someone who can relate and help shed some light on what is happening to me.

I am really struggling, I don't know what's wrong with me.
Nothing feels clear or ok.
Nothing feels ok and I don't know what's wrong.
I don't know if it's anxiety, depression or what.
But I can go places and have conversations so from the outside i'd look fine but I'm not.
I went to town today, I looked around and thought what's different for everyone around me, why do they feel normal and ok but I don't.
I feel hopeless like I'm trapped.
I feel trapped in this feeling I'm in now and then I get scared I'll not want to live or something.
Then I think of famous people who have killed themselves and I'm scared that I'm a 'troubled soul' as the cliche goes.
I don't know what's wrong with me but I just feel scared and stuff.
If there is nothing wrong with me then why can't I just be normal.
I see no hope or nothing.
I feel like I'm not taking everything in around me or when I'm watching a tv shows my mind isn't all on the tv.
I don't know what or why I feel like this.
I feel trapped and scared I'm just going to like explode then I worry I'll have some sort of breakdown.
I just don't know what's wrong with me
Everything feels compact and squashed too.

17-11-14, 01:51
I can relate so much :( feel free to pm me anytime if you want to rant. I think its depression. Have you talked to your gp about this?

17-11-14, 12:11
yep me to.sounds just like depression to me to...as mm says you needto see yourgp for some help..dont leave it.you will feel a bit better just talking to someone who can help.good luck..