View Full Version : does anyone know?

04-01-07, 15:22
Not been too bad these past two days, am linking it with only one thing different that i did. I know this probably sounds stupid but i had lots and lots of veg in one go with my dinner. Sprouts, broccoli, carrots and corn. Since then i've felt better. I know this must sound stupid and i'm linking this with something that doesn't excist but i bought lots of fresh veg yesterday and had more last night and today, i'm not too bad again! The only thing i've had today is a funny sensation in my right arm, where i went to put my hand to my mouth and missed. This really frightened me and still is doing. I'm going to have a lot of veg each day and see how it goes. Anyone got any thoughts on this? Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

04-01-07, 16:16
Hi Angie

It definately makes a difference to me when I eat lots of fruit and veg. I did really well with my diet through out last spring and summer and ate loads and loads of fruit , veg, brown rice and jacket spuds. I drank lots of filtered water and hardly any tea, coffee and no chocolate. I can say hand on my heart that I didn't have a single panic attack and felt really good in myself.

Then a few personal upsets happened in my life and my healthy eating went by the wayside. I definatley noticed a difference in my anxiety levels as I started panicking alot. I think a good diet definatley helps because of all those vitamins.

My new years resolution is to eat much better. I think if its helping you Angie you should keep on doing it. Don't worry about the arm thing. I get funny sensations in my arms all the time. It's just the anxiety playing with us :)

Take care

Lexxie xx

Granny Primark
04-01-07, 16:58
Hi angie,
Thanks for the post. Its made me realise how badly i eat.
I adore cheese and eat it every single day. I also eat mcdonalds regularly. Perhaps its time for me to start thinking about eating more fruit and vegetables.
The only time when i eat vegetables are when we have a roast dinner.

Take care

04-01-07, 18:30
Yep, normally me too. If i have veg it is also normally frozen, have a large family and work and don't have much time, or energy for that matter. But i've decided if it helps then i will do it and if i cut it all up ready it's not going to be so bad as it will only have to be on the cooker for about 20 minutes, so i will force myself. lol. Thanks for the replies and i will try and keep it up. Lets see if it really does help. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!

07-01-07, 00:55
Have managed ok today, although had some unreality. Tried to just shake it off but it was still there. One bad turn when i came out of a shop, felt ok then WHAM! didn't know where i was and who i was. Then when we were picking our daughter up and i looked at her and didn't know who she was. I really hate this, so horrible. Angie.x

It takes a minute to get anxiety, but a lifetime to get rid of it!!!