View Full Version : Struggling with anxiety

17-11-14, 13:14
Hey Everbody.

My anxiety levels are really high at the moment. Recent change and loads going on in my life right now is causing me to have a blip and my anxiety mode has just taken over. I'm struggling to deal with it and life. I'm having constant negative thoughts, panic attacks and I'm continously crying. I'm struggling in work to put a brave face on in front of customers. I have been talking loads to my family and friends but I find it hard when I wake up in the middle of the night and I got no-one as everyone is asleep. I feel like I need someone available to talk to 24/7 who's on standby. My mum says I should get an emergency appointment at the doctors but I don't see the point as I know she will just put me on diazepam and maybe put me on the sick. That's not what I wanna do as I will be stuck at home thinking about everything and making myself worse. I was doing so well about 2 weeks ago and even had a review at the doctors and she was really happy with me but too much going on has sent me backwards.

17-11-14, 15:17
There are helplines that run 24 hrs a day that you could try like Samaritans. It might be worth talking to your doctor again but let them know how you feel about taking diazepam and that you don't want to have to have time off and see what other help they can offer. maybe an option of some sort of therapy to help.

17-11-14, 18:29
Thank you. I will look into them but the idea puts me off as it means I have to go through my life story for them to understand what leads me to my blips. I used to go see a counsellor through my youth service. However, I turned 25 last year so that ended as that was the cut off age. Before that I used to see a counsellor through my doctors on the NHS. I didn't find that beneficial as I was only able to see her for a few weeks and had to wait another 6 months before I could have more. I would never be able to go privately as that is someone I wouldn't be able to afford. I know that I will get over this blip as I have done before but I know that it's not the end of them and I will be back in the same place. it's just exhausting!!!!