View Full Version : Feels like there is something in the back of my mouth

Dissolved girl
17-11-14, 13:28
Hi there

I know how 'silly' i am being with this but i cannot shake this thought from my mind. For the past few weeks i have felt like there is something in my mouth. I swear i can feel it.
The thing is i doubt that there is even anything there. I think i might be imagining it. I do have a few raised papillae on my tongue at the back which might be the problem
I had a panic attack the other night which i think was a build up of all the worry I've been feeling about it recently. My anxiety problems have always been centred around my mouth as this was the cause at the beginning
The doctor looked in my mouth recently and said everything looked 'normal' and he couldn't see anything odd.
I gargle with mouth wash every night so i am not sure how anything could be trapped in there. I do get tonsil stones so i am aware it might be something like that.

I started a new contraceptive pill called Micronor about three months a go and i do feel like i have been 'off' recently. I am not sure whether this is the cause of this sudden surge of anxiety. I switched pills last night because this is the only thing that's changed recently and i was doing OK on my meds before. I am on Sertraline 100MG at the moment.

I know this mouth 'thing' can't hurt me but the anxiety keeps building. My brain is just running away with itself.
I am not sure what to do. I just don't want it to carry on

Thanks for listening or any advice you can offer

Dissolved Girl x

18-11-14, 15:40

well I get where you're coming from and I understand the constant fear you are experiencing, if you went to the doctor and then he saw that there was nothing than accept it, there isn't anything deadly :hugs:if there was he would have told you.

the pill.. well most cases do prove that some pills cause anxiety and depression maybe you should take a month off the pill and see if the anxiety is less, but I suggest you speak to a doctor

I understand its so hard to let go of anxiety but try to focus on something else when you feel anxious , listen to music, read, watch movies or chill with your friends anything to take your mind off it..

take care and GODBLESS

18-11-14, 17:46
Sounds like Globus to me which is VERY common with anxiety.. do a search on here and you will see many people with this symptom... including me:D


Dissolved girl
20-11-14, 00:06
Thankyou so much for the replies.
It means alot 😊
Went to doc's and she was looking at me like I was crazy. She gave me some medicine for the thing on my tongue
Switched back onto another pill now and I swear I'm already feeling better.
Only time will tell

Thankyou again