View Full Version : Lump in lip is driving me mad!!

17-11-14, 13:59
So I have a small hard lump on the inside of my lower lip right down the bottom almost where it meets the gum. It's small but feels big with my tongue trying to find it with my finger is difficult although you can feel it it's only small probably 5mm max and isn't very mobile. But the thing is without googling it's driving me mad not knowing what it is!! My anxiety is in overdrive over it it's been there atleast 2months. And I cant stop prodding it! I have dentist next Tuesday but it seems a million miles away now.

Health anxiety + self employment = nightmare :( no work is getting done :(

Just had to write something I guess get it off my chest!

17-11-14, 23:54
Maybe so that you can get reassurance you should make a doctors appointment and let him check it out. Doctors never mind checking such things. I am sure it is probably nothing but getting it checked will stop you worrying.

18-11-14, 00:32
I don't agree with going to the doctor just for reassurance or tests. It feeds the dragon and perpetuates the anxiety. The dentist can check it out and that's a scheduled appointment. As this "lump" has been there apparently for a little while, a few days will not make or break anything.

Positive thoughts

18-11-14, 12:12
Thank you both for your replies. I guess I'm just worried it's something more sinister. And now I wish I had had it checked sooner.

Had a phone call this morning and they haveoved my appointment to tomorrow morning they didn't give me a reason as to why. So now I'm worried they want to see me as soon as possible! Trying to steer away from thinking it's something more sinister. But you never know right. Thank you again for your comments.

19-11-14, 10:14
Thought I should let you know I am being referred to the hospital. The dentist couldn't really see or feel the lump and thinks it may just be a salivary gland but is referring me anyway.

So now I will be an absolute wreck until then :(