View Full Version : Exams, loneliness and anxiety

17-11-14, 16:12
Hi all,

I am suffering from anxiety related to exams. Here's my story, well, i have been a very good scorer (top scorer, deans list) and all. But every time exams comes, i become insanely worried that i must score. and this anxiety builds up inside me.

I usually talk to my best friend.. but she doesn't replies during the exams? I worry of being too needy and annoying her by texting her.

Right now, since i been in my room for the week studying, i just feel so lonely and alone..

Sometimes I wish I do not achieve these status.. sometimes I feel like a complete wreck. :weep: Please help..

17-11-14, 16:32
Sounds like you need a break!

Do you have other people you can hang out with who don't have exams? It's really important that you take breaks, or your mind will not work so well and THEN you won't do as well during your exams.

Studying is important, but you also need to eat, drink lots of water, sleep enough and socialise in order to be in the right mindset for tackling an exam.

Can you join a study group? That way you can socialise AND study. Everyone gets nervous of exams. You're not alone.