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View Full Version : Hiatal hernia/gerd PLEASE RESPOND. VERY ANXIOUS!

17-11-14, 17:05
I have recently had my dr confirm that I have MILD gerd with MILD sliding hiatal hernia. I don't get burning or pain but do get uncomfortable bloating pressure between breasts that sometimes goes around to back. I sometimes get acidic feeling coming up in throat. Does anyone know if bloating & back pressure feeling are typical symptoms of these conditions ? My dr seemed to indicate it is typical but was quite vague. Im taking nexium (esomeprazole) which seems to be helping. I need some feedback on this as I feel very anxious about this & my dr is not exactly forthcoming with info. It's like I have to drag info out of him. Any responses greatly appreciated as soon as possible. Thank You!

17-11-14, 17:51
Hi Violet, I have never suffered with bloating but I do get back pressure with my acid reflux, in fact that is how it all started with symptoms in my back between the shoulder blades and then progressed to the burning/pain in chest and horrible acid taste in my mouth. I have had this for about 15 years now and never have got to grip with all the symptoms it can bring on. I take lansoprazole which does not help that much anymore. Sorry I can't be much more help. x

17-11-14, 18:24
I have had exactly the same thing. I have cured mine by taking two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar (with the 'mother') from Holland and Barretts and a Bimuno in my cup of tea in the morning. I had the same symptoms and many others, lots of wind and gas. I didn't want to take any prescribed drugs - they just suppress the acid in your stomach when actually a hiatal hernia and gerd is sometimes cause by too little acid. Don't worry you will be fine.:hugs:

17-11-14, 18:46
Thank a You so much for your responses!