View Full Version : Just looking for a little reassurance with cheek knot

17-11-14, 17:42
I am just looking for a little reassurance regarding this thing on the inside fo my cheek. Its obviously been present for a month, but the size hasnt changed meaning it hasnt gotten bigger. if anything, it actually flucutates from small to big and goes back down. and it really feels like there is a small twig inside of it if i touch with my finger, with my tongue, feels smooth. i tried sucking on lemon drops in the event it had to do with my salivary gland, but didnt really do much, as in didnt pop. i was reading last night and the more i read, sounds like a mucous cyst. i certainly cant see it with the flashlight search cuz its the same color as my cheek skin. It certainly doesnt hurt. if i stop prodding with my tongue, im sure that would help. i cant go to the doc to get htis looked at. no insurance and no money and make too much to qualify for any kind of help. Im thinking if it was cancer, id know by now right, as in would present differently?

17-11-14, 20:12
Hi Cricket

I have the same thing, I worked myself up into a state and my dentist referred me to a maxillofacial consultant to take a look as she thought it may have been a blocked salivary gland. He instantly told me it was nothing to worry about but said he would send me for an ultrasound scan to put my mind at rest.

On the day of the scan the consultant that did the scan said that he couldn't even find the lump so he was inclined to think it was scar tissue ( from me wearing braces).

When i went back for my followup with my maxillofacial guy he said he agreed with the scan report that braces amongst other things such as biting your cheeks can cause scar tissue that feel like knots/lumps.

Mine also felt like it got bigger and then went down, his answer to this was that certain food/drinks we have can effect our mouths i.e when our mouth is drier we tend to feel the lumps and bumps more.

I'm not sure if you have ever worn braces or a cheek biter but this could be what your issue is, just scar tissue. Although at the time of my scan my anxiety was running wild!