View Full Version : worried about breathing problems

17-11-14, 19:16
So at the minute im having a panic attack I was doing really well today bot worried or anything I had shortness of breath all day thats it but iv had that plenty of times and know its my anxiety but my panic is about this breathing problem that started a month ago I cant really explain it but it feels my throat locks and I cant get no air in now this only happens every couple of hours and lasts for a second but I just got it happen about 5 times in a row then now it felt my panoc attack started of with that breathing I cant find anything on the internet that describes this or anyone else with this feeling its like when your drifting of and jerk awake not been able to breath but im awake im so scared right now im shocked iv managed to write this

---------- Post added at 19:16 ---------- Previous post was at 19:04 ----------

Also forgot to mention I get a kinda whoosh /boom in my ear when it happens :( im still having the panic attack but its all my breathing no racing heart this time

17-11-14, 19:36
Hi Stars,

I have this happen when I get an adrenaline rush, which of course it what triggers our anxiety. Now that you are scared of the feeling of what's going on in your throat, you're tensing up as soon as you feel something, which puts you in the cycle.

I'm dealing with this type of thing when I eat. A couple months ago I choked on something, but was okay, now when I swallow I have flashbacks to choking and start to panic real easily like it's happening again...but it's not.

I wish we could put our minds on timeout for being bad, haha. But yes, I've felt what you're feeling and it's all our anxiety.


17-11-14, 21:59
Hey its happened so many times since the panic attack and still happening now even though I have no adrenline or worries :( iv tried to take my mind off it and when I do it clears but then it comes again feels kind of like my throat sticks together and then opens and I do fear this sensation coming back when it goes so what you said makes so much sense thankyou :)