View Full Version : please help... mind worries.. crazy?

17-11-14, 19:57
Recently I've just not been feeling myself and I don't know how to get back.

I can't stop thinking I'm going crazy. I spend so much of my day thinking it, overworking my brain trying to concentrate. Now I've lost the line between anxiety and actual madness!

Symptoms include:

Finding it hard to concentrate
Sometimes my brain feeling full, sometimes empty
major brain fog.
tripping over my words, getting confused
flipping between emotions - crying one minute, agitated and angry the next
can't feel happy even though I've got lovely things coming up soon - like Christmas festivities etc.

I've been taking the mini pill for six months which I've heard can cause anxiety/depression - i already had anxiety so I guess it could just make it worse?

I'm at my wits end - please help. I need some comfort from fellow symptom sufferers.

Are these just anxiety symptoms or something more? I'm too scared to go to the docs, but it's all i think about. :(


---------- Post added at 19:57 ---------- Previous post was at 19:54 ----------

forgot to add that I'm absolutely shattered allll the time and sensitive to noise. I'm finding it so hard to concentrate at work. I'm a copywriter and proofer and all the words are just sending me over the edge :(

17-11-14, 20:14
I was recently on the mini pill for a month, until last week when I was suddenly overcome with horrendous mood swings/depression, to the point where I felt horrendous, couldn't find any motivation to do anything, couldn't bear the noise my children were making etc. I felt nauseous and couldn't eat - I felt really anxious at times.
As soon as I Googled the pill name and read other people's experiences that were identical to mine, I stopped taking it and now I feel absolutely fine again.

It could be that you are simply suffering from anxiety and depression - the symptoms you describe are text book - or maybe the Pill has heightened everything to a tipping point.
I would talk to your GP and consider stopping the Pill, before thinking about trying antidepressants - it could simply be hormones making you feel so bad.

17-11-14, 20:21
thank you chickpea - I've got a horrid feeling it's that too. I mean, it does have other amazing benefits - but my anxiety has never been so bad as it has been recently.
thank you for taking the time to read this, honey xx

17-11-14, 20:43
You're welcome.
Out of interest, which Pill are you on?