View Full Version : Really bad headache????

17-11-14, 20:33
Hi I'm a 16 yr old girl and am new to this website. Starting 3 days ago, I got a horrible pressuring headache. It eventually went away at night, only to return both yesterday and again today. It's worse with movement, especially bending over or moving my head too fast. I'm really worried its a brain aneurysm or tumor, please help! Thanks

17-11-14, 20:46
Where is the headache - front/forehead, back, top?
Are you getting any pain in your face - around your eyes, cheekbones, in your teeth?
Have you had a cold recently?

17-11-14, 21:23
The headache is in my forehead and the top. I don't have a cold and haven't had one recently, although my nose was a bit stuffy when I woke up today. I tried taking ibuprofen and nasal decongestant, but neither has helped my headache

18-11-14, 22:14
I had the same problem and I couldn't get the headache to go, I was in a panic and went to the doctor who said it was related to my sinus's even though I didn't have a cold, after antibiotics didn't help, I still had a headache and kept worrying, but then as a last try I brought a sinus rinse (the neilmed one) and it worked!! it took my dizziness symptoms away too. So I think you need to calm down and look for rational causes rather than panicing, its most likely a stress headache, or something sinus related. I hope you feel better soon!

18-11-14, 22:34
Sinuses was what I was going to suggest.
Steam with menthol, get a saline nasal spray and use hot compresses on your face.