View Full Version : Red dot on skin - broken blood vessel?

17-11-14, 20:55
Today on my arm (near the veins on my wrist) I noticed a red dot under my skin with a patch of lighter red around it. My friends told me not to worry about it and that it's probably just a broken blood vessel from where I've knocked it somewhere.

Are broken blood vessels on your arm dangerous? I'm getting all sorts of horrible worries like leukaemia, aneurysm, heart problems, etc. I know it sounds stupid but I'm worried about it. I don't like the lighter patch of red around it either because it looks like it's bleeding under my skin which surely can't be good. It isn't painful either.

Has anyone else had anything similar?

17-11-14, 21:27
I had the same some time ago when my anxiety was a lot worse and it sent me into a panic. I showed my doctor and she said it was a small haematoma (Clotting in blood vessels that may have been damaged) which was perfectly harmless and went within a few weeks :)

17-11-14, 21:33

I posted something similar today (removed it because I found the answer). Please follow the links...I promise nothing scary!


also, this post here on NMP http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=51967&highlight=cherry+angiomas

Does this seem familiar?

17-11-14, 21:48
I have tons of these! Like a little red pen dot or like a fine tipped Sharpie dot? Totally normal. You'll notice more the older you get. I remember my mom used to have a lot. Now I have them

17-11-14, 21:49
I also have loads of these, always have. They go away sometimes, others not. Nothing to worry about. :)