View Full Version : Newbie, hello...

17-11-14, 21:38
Hi everyone,

Found this website late earlier this week when in the midst of a panic attack trying to find some relief from what I was going through at the time. :blush:

I have always had a serious panic relating to dying and the thought of it makes me loose it from time time usually resulting in(flight)but most recently I been having physicals symtoms which is new to me which results in heart flutters or chest flutters and it really effects me badly.

I have been in a&e recently (twice) and occupational health at work as recent as yesterday as was convinced I was having a heart atttack only for tests to show nothing is wrong with me, I work in a very close "macho" envioroment and its not easy to talk about any of this stuff for me, but on my recent occupational health visit the words sort of out and this is making me really nervous to face work tomorrow night :shrug:

I am going back to cbt in the coming weeks as I had 12 sessions last year and never felt as good and as in control in life, but lost it all again recetly :scared15:

There is lots more to all this and why I but will save it for another post lol :wacko:


17-11-14, 21:42
Hey mate

Welcome to the forum. Lots of great people on here who are all going through the same thing.

I've definitely found this place as helped my anxiety when it's been at its worst


17-11-14, 21:49
Hey sounds pretty much like me...I've just had a very stupid google session that has left me in a cold sweat.

So as far as advice goes I can and should offer none...the only comfort is that you are not alone in feeling like this!

17-11-14, 21:52
Thanks guys, I worry about worrying blah blah lol

Plucking up the courage to spill it all out in one post but my minds all over the place and it would'nt come out right, I am sure of it.

17-11-14, 22:03
It doesn't matter ..my first post was a ramble and I , expecting the worst as usual, thought there'd be no response or general poking at my being a dafty. Instead I was welcomed. Was a nice feeling for a minute before I went back to the fear....

17-11-14, 22:04
Rab - i find the writing helps, even if it is a ramble. Sometimes just writing things down can help reduce the fear a bit. I've been on here a lot lately - and writing and getting the kind responses really does help.

17-11-14, 22:13
Thanks guys, will get it out very soon, really don't no where to start but certainly will get it out there, as I know how important it can be for me and to help others.

18-11-14, 20:37
Hi there, I recently joined this website after having anxiety again which has happened once a year for the last 3 years. I also work in a Macho environment and it's hard to talk about it. But I feel true friends will not judge you!

I know what the trigger is and have had counselling but struggle to put the strategies in place when I am in the situations which causes anxiety.
The Good new's is I have come out of it and am back to my normal confident self every time. But what I want is to be like this "normal" in the situations that causes me anxiety. I feel for you all and hope you will come out of it. Keep Smiling. :D

18-11-14, 21:18
Hiya and welcome to NMP:welcome:

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes: