View Full Version : Mark on arm! Help! Pictures!

18-11-14, 03:04
Hey guys sorry, I posted something earlier, but I'm freaking out again about something else.
I took off my sweat and looked at my arm and noticed a red mark/ spot on my arm, upon further inspection it looks like the place where I got blood taken OVER a month ago. It's right on the vein, and now i'm worried there is an infection there and it will turn into sepsis. It's right over the vein! It doesn't hurt at all, and it's not hot, no streaks coming from it. I took some pictures and there in this album.

Please someone talk me down a bit.


Catherine S
18-11-14, 03:17
It's very small and looks much like a regular pimple to be honest...you sound young enough to still suffer with pimples? If there was any infection from where you had blood taken it wouldn't have taken a month to show up, and it would've looked so much bigger and much more angry than this. Please don't worry, and I don't mean please try not to worry...I mean please do not worry!


18-11-14, 07:16
I'm sure that's just a spot, I've had those pop up randomly on my arms plenty of times.

18-11-14, 07:51
Im 35 years old ( showing my age!) and i get pimples like that all the time!

My mum has had sepsis twice, both being very touch and go situations and believe me it did not present as a spot. It happened super quickly too so im pretty sure that if it was sepsis you would know about it and you would not be able to sit here and upload pics, my mum was so ill she couldn't even sit up.

I know its hard but try not to worry x

18-11-14, 16:52
Looks like a regular pimple to me. Doesn't look like anything to worry about in the slightest


18-11-14, 17:06
Looks like a pimple to me.

18-11-14, 17:38
It's a pimple.

19-11-14, 21:03
Yep, looks like a pimple to me