View Full Version : Insomnia so worried I don't know what's wrong :( help?

18-11-14, 04:42
Hi everyone I'm a 22 year old guy and since September I've been increasingly having trouble sleeping. I have a life long history of health anxiety and some depression and have been taking 5mg of lexapro for almost a year and everything had been fine.

I think it all started when I moved out I kinda went into party mode and was always going out with friends and drinking a lot even lately I had drank a fair amount every other day. I recently stopped that though as I've been having so much trouble lately.

I of course being stupid went to google my symptoms of insomnia in September. And behold it diagnosed me with Sporadic Fatal Insomnia (if you don't know what it is don't look it up). I know it's so so so rare 20 people in all of history have ever developed it and I'm not in the right age range either.

I just need some talking down I literally slept only three hours last night and laid in bed on and off for 6 hours trying to sleep with no success even with zzzquil and melatonin. I'm so terrified my insomnia is progressing and that I'm gonna die this terrible death feeling sleep deprived until I develope dementia and don't even get to die with my mind and personality intact. It's so terrifying to think about I burst into tears randomly about it :'( . I'd rather die any other way then that.

Please help I'm so scared I won't sleep and I don't know why I'm having so much trouble :'( .

Thank you all for reading this.

18-11-14, 12:32
Insomnia is also a symptom of anxiety, for your 20 people ever, nearly EVERY anxious person has to deal with periods of insomnia. (okay, I don't have official stats on that, but it's certainly a common complaint amongst people on this forum, it's listed as a symptom on numerous anxiety resources...)

We deal with it the best we can. Good sleep hygiene (look that up), relaxation exercises and if necessary, sleep aids (medication). Fact is, the less you worry about not sleeping the better you will sleep. Now go and get some, night night! :)

25-11-14, 05:24
Hi everyone, thank you for your reply.

Since I've posted I've managed to sleep and sleep fairly well I think. But I'm not feeling any better. In fact I'm feeling sicker. I'm so tired during the day. I feel mentally cloudy and sluggish. My eyes feel so tired and now I've developed this mild sore throat and dry cough along with a 100 degree fever.

I'm so scared I'm dying and I'm so scared I still might have sporadic fatal insomnia. I get these thoughts in my head that I'm sleeping and dreaming but maybe I'm just half asleep or just zoning out and not getting sleep and this is why I feel so tired and sick.

I just don't feel good at all and it seems to be getting worse. I just need some reassurance that I'll be ok :'( . I'm going to see the doctor tomorrow maybe they can help figure it out.

My symptoms are:

- Extreme fatigue
- Mental cloudiness
- Tired eyes all day
- Recently -
- Mild sore throat
- Non-productive cough
- 100 degree fever
- Mild body aches

I just don't know what to do I'm trying to get over my sleeping problems which are possibly getting better but now I feel new symptoms and feel sicker I'm so worried this is just fatal insomnia taking its course.

Thank you all for reading this. I'm at the end of my rope. I need help :'(

25-11-14, 05:29
You don't have Fatal Insomnia!!!! Ha ha I thought I had that too. It's so rare that you're more likely to poop diamonds! - ( if you start pooping diamonds I'd like some) - (once they are clean) thanks ;)

25-11-14, 14:26
Why, oh why, do young people do this to themselves? You are fine.

You're bound to have insomnia when a) you hyper-focus on sleep, and b) after a bit of a binge.