View Full Version : Looking for new penpals

18-11-14, 07:45
Hello everyone,

My name is Alice, I'm 25 years old and live in Lancashire. I suffer from social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, OCD and agoraphobia.

I posted a pen pal thread a little while ago and met a few people, but I couldn't really connect with any of them. So I thought I'd try again and see if I have better luck finding someone like me.

I'm looking for a friend who suffers from the same type of disorders that I do. Someone I can really talk to, someone that won't judge me and just accept me the way I am.

I live with my family and although they try to understand my problems, they don't really get what I'm going through. I also have a dog that I've had for fifteen years. I reckon he's the best friend I've ever had.

So if anyone wants to be friends, feel free to message me.

09-12-14, 18:21
hi im from ireland... i suffer from agraphobia and never leave the house, if you would like to chat send me a message